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Some lightweight music players. #565

Open ZaxonXP opened 3 weeks ago

ZaxonXP commented 3 weeks ago

Maybe it is good to add to the programs list following music players:

1) cmus - lightweight ncurses music player which can be controlled remotely. 2) openmpt123 - command line player which can play demo scene modules

For the second I made some scripts which allows to play a playlists from

Kind regards, Piotr

2084x commented 3 weeks ago

larbs already includes mpd, mpc and ncmpcpp

ZaxonXP commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, but they are more complicated to set up. Where the cmus and openmpt123 are much simpler to configure and use.

emrakyz commented 2 weeks ago

ncmpcpp, mpc and mpd are much more modern and featureful while still providing simple, lightweight, easy to use functionality.

What is actually complicated? I do nothing specific to set them up. On Gentoo, I even disabled support other than opus and pipewire for mpd (you can see below):

  1. Just start mpd with your WM, Compositor.
  2. Add your playlist directory path to mpd.conf
  3. Open ncmpcpp and press u to update the database.

media-sound/mpd-0.23.15-r1::gentoo was built with the following: USE="opus pipewire -alsa -ao -audiofile -libmpdclient -bzip2 -cdio -dbus -ffmpeg -chromaprint -cue -curl -doc -eventfd -expat -faad -fifo -flac -fluidsynth -gme -icu -id3tag -inotify -jack -lame -libsamplerate -libsoxr -mad -mikmod -mms -modplug -mpg123 -musepack -network -nfs -openal -openmpt -oss -pipe -pulseaudio -qobuz -recorder -samba (-selinux) -sid -signalfd -snapcast -sndfile -sndio -soundcloud -sqlite -systemd -test -twolame -udisks -upnp -vorbis -wavpack -webdav -wildmidi -zeroconf -zip -zlib"

media-sound/mpc-0.35::gentoo was built with the following: USE="-doc -iconv -test"

media-sound/ncmpcpp-9999::gentoo was built with the following: USE="taglib -clock -outputs -visualizer"

ZaxonXP commented 2 weeks ago

The fact that there is database and deamon involved, from my perspective, is a big minus.

I get used to select a folder with the music and add it to the playlist/queue. No need for the background process to run when I do not need it. No need to take extra space/folders for database. Cmus has much simpler approach. And for that I thought could be a nice to have alternative to this ncmpcpp/mpc/mpd trio.

For the openmpt123 I use it as I could not find a better player to play some mod's correctly.