LunarG / VulkanTools

Tools to aid in Vulkan development
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vktrace crash #48

Closed karl-lunarg closed 8 years ago

karl-lunarg commented 8 years ago

From Dan Ginsburg:

I’m trying to use vktrace in Vulkan SDK 1.0.13 on Win7 to capture a tough to reproduce flickering bug on NVIDIA GTX 760. Unfortunately, when I load into the map it seems to get stuck and eventually crash during recording. If I disable scaleform I can get it to record, so it seems like maybe something scaleform does that is not working in vktrace?

jon-lunarg commented 8 years ago

Fixed several bugs in vktrace related to mapping memory at non-zero offset and also vkGetPipelineCacheData. Now tracing of Dota+scaleform_vulkan no longer crashes but the replay isn't yet correct (mostly just a black window). Leave this bug open to track this replay issue.

jon-lunarg commented 8 years ago

Replay issue appears to be a regression in Source2 where it is mapping memory for vertex buffers and then not unmapping it (nor vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges) before the vkQueueSubmit that references the buffer that was mapped.

vinjn commented 8 years ago

FYI Coherent mapped memory doesn't need unmap and vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges.

jon-lunarg commented 8 years ago

Yes vktrace will not work with apps that use coherent mapped memory (and don't put in extra uneeded UnmapMemory or FlushMappedMemoryRange). That has been a known issue for a while which we plan to address.

vinjn commented 8 years ago

We have fixed some of coherent mapped memory issues in our private fork. Once getting stabilised, will try to push the changes upstream.