Lusito / forget-me-not

Make the browser forget website data, except for the data you want to keep.
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Displayed tab after setting a rule #45

Closed Aggrobatics closed 6 years ago

Aggrobatics commented 6 years ago

Adding a new rule, does not bring you back to the recently selected tab (e.g. log). In fact, it does not even show the current rules, but stays on the newly set rule, until the add's frame is closed and opened again. A skip back to the last tab (in app frame) or displaying all currently set rules would be handy

Lusito commented 6 years ago

The add new rule button on both the "current tab" tab and the log tab is just a shortcut for switching to the rules tab and typing in the suggested expression as an example. You still need to press enter to actually add it.

Since the input field doubles as a search/filter field, you only see expressions in the list which contain the string contained in the input field. Once you clear the field you will see all rules again.

Not sure if switching back to the tab has more benefit to the user than being able to continue adding new rules. I think both use-cases are pretty much equal in weight, unless someone convinces me, that there is more demand for the switching back use-case.

Joel889 commented 6 years ago

I just added a few rules, and it's somewhat confusing not being able to see all active rules. I wasn't sure what happened to all the other rules and where to find them. I think this is a user interface issue that could be made even better.

Lusito commented 6 years ago

Yes, as said in other posts, there are some things that can be improved on the UI. I will create a ticket that focuses on the UI issues.