Lusito / forget-me-not

Make the browser forget website data, except for the data you want to keep.
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Does Forget Me Not protect against Firefox clearing data on shutdown? #64

Open rmenessec opened 6 years ago

rmenessec commented 6 years ago

Should I turn off "Clear history when Firefox Developer Edition closes" to prevent Firefox from erasing data that FMN is handling, or does FMN protect whitelisted sites regardless of the setting?

What about the cookie setting "Keep until Firefox is closed"?

Lusito commented 6 years ago

Anything Firefox erases does not go through FMN. So if you tell it to erase something, the rules will be ignored.

In the case of history though, FMN does not apply rules. Rules are only applied for cookies and local storage at this point.

That being said, you can combine both. Just keep in mind, that FMN does neither know of the settings you made in Firefox nor does it know when Firefox erases data.

Lusito commented 6 years ago

If that answers your question, feel free to close this issue. Otherwise keep asking :) I guess I should put this question into the tutorial page or even create a new page with frequently asked questions.

rmenessec commented 6 years ago

Tutorial or both would be good.

Should I open another issue regarding the protection of Service Workers and other data for whitelisted sites? I'd like to be to clear the other supported items with FMN's existing functionality, but protect whitelisted sites.

Lusito commented 6 years ago

Currently, the only things that are protected by rules are cookies and local storage.

Except for history, all other settings have no option to list or clear by domain name, so it is impossible at this time to make it work.

There's an open ticket for applying rules on history (see #16)

Edit: Downloads would be possible as well, but is there really a demand for it?

martingz commented 4 years ago

I would love to see the help section for Firefox updated/expanded. I'm hit and miss with getting this working (Paypal for example). I get that there is no interaction between FMN and FF (that helps to know). So to set FF for proper privacy using FMN - Under FF Cookies and Site Data uncheck Delete cookies and site data when Firefox is closed? Under FF History Use Custom Settings and uncheck Cookies ? How about Active Logins?

Also when in doubt, I find using the FMN bookmark/rulebook icon to see what domains have related cookies has helped.

Thanks for this plugin - BTW!

Lusito commented 4 years ago

I would love to see the help section for Firefox updated/expanded.

You mean the one by Mozilla or the one by FMN?

I'm hit and miss with getting this working (Paypal for example).

Well, explain your scenario and what you want to happen and I can give you an explanation. Generally it's hard to give good examples/tutorials that everyone can understand easily. If you want to give it a shot to improve the tutorials, feel free to write something.

Under FF Cookies and Site Data uncheck Delete cookies and site data when Firefox is closed?

You can still use this option, but then your FMN whitelist won't work for the shutdown cleanup of Firefox. So if you want all your data to be removed on shutdown, then using the FF options is still a valid option in addition to FMN (in that case FMN will only handle the stuff that happens while the browser is open).

Under FF History Use Custom Settings and uncheck Cookies ?

It really depends on what cleanup you want. I chose "remember history" and let FMN handle stuff. Firefox settings work independently of FMN. So FF and FMN will still run their cleanups, but one does not know about the rules of the other.

How about Active Logins?

Not 100% sure about this one, but I think it's the same as "Passwords" in FMN. Would have to double check that though.