Lyken17 / pytorch-OpCounter

Count the MACs / FLOPs of your PyTorch model.
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Check params and flops for custom densenet model #160

Open Speedarion opened 2 years ago

Speedarion commented 2 years ago

I am trying to obtain the flops and parameters of my custom multi-head Densenet Model but I am not sure if the returned values are accurate after receiving these warnings . One head is to learn rgb images and the second head is to learn depth images. image Do I need to define custom rule for denselayer/denseblock ? If so, how can I go about doing it ? Any advice or help would be appreciated as I am a beginner in this field .

Here is my model definition :

  class RGBDMH(nn.Module):

      Two-stream RGBD architecture

      pretrained: bool
          If set to `True` uses the pretrained DenseNet model as the base. If set to `False`, the network
          will be trained from scratch. 
          default: True 
      num_channels: int
          Number of channels in the input.      

      def __init__(self, pretrained=True, num_channels=4):

          """ Init function

          pretrained: bool
              If set to `True` uses the pretrained densenet model as the base. Else, it uses the default network
              default: True
          num_channels: int
              Number of channels in the input. 
          super(RGBDMH, self).__init__()

          dense_rgb = models.densenet161(pretrained=pretrained)

          dense_d = models.densenet161(pretrained=pretrained)

          features_rgb = list(dense_rgb.features.children())

          features_d = list(dense_d.features.children())

          temp_layer = features_d[0]

          mean_weight = np.mean(,axis=1) # for 96 filters

          new_weight = np.zeros((96,1,7,7))

          for i in range(1):

          features_d[0]=nn.Conv2d(1, 96, kernel_size=(7, 7), stride=(2, 2), padding=(3, 3), bias=False)

          features_d[0] = torch.Tensor(new_weight)

          self.enc_rgb = nn.Sequential(*features_rgb[0:8])

          self.enc_d = nn.Sequential(*features_d[0:8])




          #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

      def forward(self, img):
          """ Propagate data through the network

          img: :py:class:`torch.Tensor` 
            The data to forward through the network. Expects Multi-channel images of size num_channelsx224x224

          dec: :py:class:`torch.Tensor` 
              Binary map of size 1x14x14
          op: :py:class:`torch.Tensor`
              Final binary score.  
          gap: Gobal averaged pooling from the encoded feature maps


          x_rgb = img[:, [0,1,2], :, :]

          x_depth = img[:, 3, :, :].unsqueeze(1)

          enc_rgb = self.enc_rgb(x_rgb)

          enc_d = self.enc_d(x_depth)

          gap_rgb = self.gavg_pool(enc_rgb).squeeze() 
          gap_d = self.gavg_pool(enc_d).squeeze() 



          gap_rgb = nn.Sigmoid()(gap_rgb) 
          gap_d = nn.Sigmoid()(gap_d) 



          op_rgb = nn.Sigmoid()(op_rgb)

          op_d = nn.Sigmoid()(op_d)

[gap_rgb,gap_d], dim=1)
          op = self.linear(gap)
          op = nn.Sigmoid()(op)

          return gap, op, op_rgb, op_d