Lythom / capsule

A minecraft mod : Bring your base! Capsules can capture a region containing any blocks or machines, then deploy and undeploy at will. Inspired by Dragon Ball capsules.
MIT License
15 stars 13 forks source link

Crash upon trying to activate the capsule while looking at the ground with integrated dynamics pipes/cables inside 1.16.5 #94

Open NukeShot58 opened 1 year ago

NukeShot58 commented 1 year ago

Forge version: 36.2.34 Capsule version: 5.0.94 Integrated dynamics version: 1.10.15 integrated tunnels version: 1.8.11

How to replicate:

  1. Have all the mods above
  2. Make a capsule with logic cables from integrated dynamics inside and add in an item interface and item exporter onto a cable
  3. Pickup the capsule (could crash during this step as well)
  4. Try to deploy it while looking at the ground
  5. The game should now have crashed