MAC-AutoML / rethinking_performance_estimation_in_NAS

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comparision with proxylessnas #4

Closed liwei46 closed 4 years ago

liwei46 commented 4 years ago


Thanks for sharing. I did not have time to understand all your code yet. But I am wondering have you do a comparison with proxylessnas? (link above)

Regards, liwei

zhengxiawu commented 4 years ago

We do not compare our method with proxylessNAS, since

  1. The architecture space is different, in they only release a chain structure search space and method on imagenet. However, the search space used in our method is cell-based.
  2. the BPE we found is on cifar10 dataset, if you want directly search on Imagenet, you may need some finetuning of the BPE-1 and BPE-2
  3. Even with a small dataset (cifar10), founding optimal BPE had spent about 200+ GPU/days, which means that it is now infeasible on ImageNet. However, we also have an experiment about transfer learning (search on CIFAR-10 transferring to Imagenet), which shows comparable performance with much less searching cost.
liwei46 commented 4 years ago

hi @zhengxiawu

Great! Thanks for the reply.

regarding search space comparison,
does the search space of proxylessNAS (chain based) is much smaller compared with yours (cell based)?


zhengxiawu commented 4 years ago

hi, @liwei46 architectures in cell-based search space are 2 * 8^{14}, in proxyless NAS is about 6^{20}

liwei46 commented 4 years ago
