Open Johannes099 opened 1 year ago
First, set yourself as a bot owner in the configuration file, make sure that you have typed your main account name without a typo. Make sure the RemoteControl bot is actually enabled. PS: Make sure that the client is closed when you're changing the settings. Then, if the server has a different chat format than a vanilla server or Essentials plugin, you need to update the regex in the ChatFormat section. If that is the case, read this:
and how to know with chat format the server uses?
and how to know with chat format the server uses?
You can obviously see it in the chat, if it is not vanilla or Essentials plugin, you can use Regex to write it.
how to see it its just a normal server with plugins and i dont know how i could use regex there! and u cant write wit hregex you can only search in text!!! so pleas help me!
how to see it its just a normal server with plugins and i dont know how i could use regex there! and u cant write wit hregex you can only search in text!!! so pleas help me!
Post exact command you are using to send the command to the bot. Post your MinecraftClient.ini and make sure to remove your login credentials. Post screenshots of how the private message looks like on the server you are tying to use the Remote Control .
[Head] "Current Version" = "GitHub build 217, built on 2023-05-10 from commit 4ff7712" "Latest Version" = "GitHub build 217, built on 2023-05-10"
[Main] [Main.General] Account = { Login = "", Password = "" } # Anmeldung = E-Mail oder Name. Verwenden Sie "-" als Passwort für den Offline-Modus. Lassen Sie das Feld leer, um den Benutzer bei jedem Start zur Eingabe aufzufordern. Server = { Host = "" } # Die Adresse des Spiel-Servers kann entweder mit einem Domain-Namen oder einer IP-Adresse im Feld "Host" eingegeben werden. (Das Feld "Port" kann gelöscht werden, da es automatisch aufgelöst wird.) AccountType = "microsoft" # Kontotyp: "mojang" ODER "microsoft". Beeinflusst auch die interaktive Anmeldung in der Konsole. Method = "browser" # Microsoft-Konto-Anmeldeverfahren: "mcc" ODER "Browser". Wenn die Anmeldung immer fehlschlägt, versuchen Sie bitte einmal den "Browser" zu verwenden.
[Main.Advanced] Language = "de_at" # Fill in with in-game locale code, check LoadMccTranslation = true # Load translations applied to MCC when available, turn it off to use English only. ConsoleTitle = "%username%@%serverip% - Minecraft Console Client" InternalCmdChar = "slash" # Use "none", "slash"(/) or "backslash"(). MessageCooldown = 1.0 # Controls the minimum interval (in seconds) between sending each message to the server. BotOwners = [ "Johennes", "8d90b1df-fe0b-4c28-9a71-635267fc8910", "8d90b1dffe0b4c289a71635267fc8910", ] # Set the owner of the bot. /!\ Server admins can impersonate owners! MinecraftVersion = "1.19.4" # Use "auto" or "1.X.X" values. Allows to skip server info retrieval. EnableForge = "no" # Use "auto", "no" or "force". Force-enabling only works for MC 1.13+. BrandInfo = "mcc" # Use "mcc", "vanilla" or "none". This is how MCC identifies itself to the server. ChatbotLogFile = "" # Leave empty for no logfile. PrivateMsgsCmdName = "msg" # For remote control of the bot. ShowSystemMessages = true # System messages for server ops. ShowXPBarMessages = true # Nachrichten, die über der XP-Leiste angezeigt werden. Setzen Sie dies auf "false", wenn die XP-Leiste zu viele Nachrichten anzeigt. ShowChatLinks = true # Decode links embedded in chat messages and show them in console. ShowInventoryLayout = true # Show inventory layout as ASCII art in inventory command. TerrainAndMovements = false # Verwendet mehr Arbeitsspeicher, CPU und Bandbreite, aber erlaubt es dir zu bewegen. MoveHeadWhileWalking = true # Enable head movement while walking to avoid anti-cheat triggers. MovementSpeed = 2 # A movement speed higher than 2 may be considered cheating. TemporaryFixBadpacket = false # Vorübergehende Lösung für das Badpacket-Problem auf einigen Servern. Sie müssen zuerst "TerrainAndMovements" aktivieren. InventoryHandling = false # Toggle inventory handling. EntityHandling = false # Toggle entity handling. SessionCache = "disk" # How to retain session tokens. Use "none", "memory" or "disk". ProfileKeyCache = "disk" # How to retain profile key. Use "none", "memory" or "disk". ResolveSrvRecords = "fast" # Use "no", "fast" (5s timeout), or "yes". Required for joining some servers. PlayerHeadAsIcon = true # Only works on Windows XP-8 or Windows 10 with old console. ExitOnFailure = false # Whether to exit directly when an error occurs, for using MCC in non-interactive scripts. CacheScript = true # Cache compiled scripts for faster load on low-end devices. Timestamps = false # Zeitstempel den Chat-Nachrichten voranstellen. AutoRespawn = false # Toggle auto respawn if client player was dead (make sure your spawn point is safe). MinecraftRealms = false # Enable support for joining Minecraft Realms worlds. TcpTimeout = 30 # Anpassung des TCP-Verbindungstimeouts mit dem Server (in Sekunden). EnableEmoji = true # If turned off, the emoji will be replaced with a simpler character (for /chunk status). MinTerminalWidth = 16 # The minimum width used when calculating the image size from the width of the terminal. MinTerminalHeight = 10 # The minimum height to use when calculating the image size from the height of the terminal.
[Main.Advanced.AccountList] AccountNikename1 = { Login = "", Password = "thepassword" } AccountNikename2 = { Login = "TestBot", Password = "-" }
[Main.Advanced.ServerList] ServerAlias1 = { Host = "" } ServerAlias2 = { Host = "", Port = 12345 }
[Signature] LoginWithSecureProfile = true # Nur Microsoft-Konten zulässig. Wenn diese Option deaktiviert ist, können Benutzer nicht chatten oder Server betreten, die mit "enforce-secure-profile=true" konfiguriert sind. SignChat = true # Ob der Chat, der von MCC gesendet wird, signiert werden soll. SignMessageInCommand = true # Ob die Nachrichten, die in den von MCC gesendeten Befehlen enthalten sind, signiert werden sollen. Zum Beispiel die Nachricht in "/msg" und "/me". MarkLegallySignedMsg = true # Nutze grüne Farbblöcke, um Systemnachrichten zu markieren (immer ohne Signatur) MarkModifiedMsg = true # Nutze gelbe Farbblöcke, um Systemnachrichten zu markieren (immer ohne Signatur) MarkIllegallySignedMsg = true # Nutze rote Farbblöcke, um Systemnachrichten zu markieren (immer ohne Signatur) MarkSystemMessage = true # Nutze graue Farbblöcke, um Systemnachrichten zu markieren (immer ohne Signatur) ShowModifiedChat = true # Setzen Sie "true", um vom Server modifizierte Nachrichten anzuzeigen, "false", um die Original signierten Nachrichten anzuzeigen. ShowIllegalSignedChat = true # Gibt an, ob Chats und Nachrichten in Befehlen ohne legale Signaturen angezeigt werden sollen
[Logging] DebugMessages = false # Please enable this before submitting bug reports. Thanks! ChatMessages = true # Show server chat messages. InfoMessages = true # Informative messages. (i.e Most of the message from MCC) WarningMessages = true # Show warning messages. ErrorMessages = true # Show error messages. ChatFilterRegex = "." # Regex for filtering chat message. DebugFilterRegex = "." # Regex for filtering debug message. FilterMode = "disable" # "disable" or "blacklist" OR "whitelist". Blacklist hide message match regex. Whitelist show message match regex. LogToFile = false # Write log messages to file. LogFile = "console-log.txt" # Log file name. PrependTimestamp = false # Prepend timestamp to messages in log file. SaveColorCodes = false # Keep color codes in the saved text.(look like "§b")
[Console] [Console.General] ConsoleColorMode = "vt100_24bit" # Use "disable", "legacy_4bit", "vt100_4bit", "vt100_8bit" or "vt100_24bit". If a garbled code like "←[0m" appears on the terminal, you can try switching to "legacy_4bit" mode, or just disable it. Display_Input = true # You can use "Ctrl+P" to print out the current input and cursor position. History_Input_Records = 32 # Console.General.History_Input_Records
[Console.CommandSuggestion] Enable = true # Whether to display command suggestions in the console. Enable_Color = true Use_Basic_Arrow = false # Enable this option if the arrows in the command suggestions are not displayed properly in your terminal. Max_Suggestion_Width = 30 Max_Displayed_Suggestions = 6 Text_Color = "#f8fafc" Text_Background_Color = "#64748b" Highlight_Text_Color = "#334155" Highlight_Text_Background_Color = "#fde047" Tooltip_Color = "#7dd3fc" Highlight_Tooltip_Color = "#3b82f6" Arrow_Symbol_Color = "#d1d5db"
[AppVar.VarStirng] your_var = "your_value" "your var 2" = "your value 2"
[Proxy] Enabled_Update = false # Gibt an, ob MCC-Updates über den Proxy heruntergeladen werden sollen. Enabled_Login = false # Gibt an, ob eine Verbindung zum Anmeldeserver über einen Proxy hergestellt werden soll. Enabled_Ingame = false # Gibt an, ob eine Verbindung zum Spielserver über einen Proxy hergestellt werden soll. Server = { Host = "", Port = 8080 } # Der Proxy-Server muss HTTPS für die Anmeldung zulassen und Nicht-443-Ports für das Spielen ermöglichen. Proxy_Type = "HTTP" # Unterstützte Typen: "HTTP", "SOCKS4", "SOCKS4a", "SOCKS5". Username = "" # Nur für passwortgeschützte Proxies erforderlich. Password = "" # Nur für passwortgeschützte Proxies erforderlich.
[MCSettings] Enabled = true # Wenn diese Option deaktiviert ist, werden die unten aufgeführten Einstellungen nicht an den Server gesendet. Locale = "en_US" # Verwenden Sie jede in Minecraft implementierte Sprache. RenderDistance = 8 # Wertebereich: [0 - 255]. Difficulty = "peaceful" # Schwierigkeitsgrad in MC 1.7-. "friedlich", "leicht", "normal", "schwierig". ChatMode = "enabled" # Verwende "enabled", "commands" oder "disabled". Ermöglicht es, sich stummzuschalten... ChatColors = true # Ermöglicht das Deaktivieren von Chat-Farben auf Serverseite. MainHand = "left" # Haupt-Hand in MC 1.9+. "links" oder "rechts". [MCSettings.Skin] Cape = true Hat = true Jacket = false Sleeve_Left = false Sleeve_Right = false Pants_Left = false Pants_Right = false
[ChatFormat] Builtins = false # MCC support for common message formats. Set "false" to avoid conflicts with custom formats. UserDefined = false # Whether to use the custom regular expressions below for detection. Public = "^<([a-zA-Z0-9]+)> (.+)$" Private = "^([a-zA-Z0-9]+) whispers to you: (.+)$" TeleportRequest = '^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) has requested (?:to|that you) teleport to (?:you|them).$'
[ChatBot.Alerts] Enabled = false Beep_Enabled = true # Play a beep sound when a word is detected in addition to highlighting. Trigger_By_Words = false # Triggers an alert after receiving a specified keyword. Trigger_By_Rain = false # Trigger alerts when it rains and when it stops. Trigger_By_Thunderstorm = false # Triggers alerts at the beginning and end of thunderstorms. Log_To_File = false # Loggt Warnungen in eine Datei. Log_File = "alerts-log.txt" # The name of a file where alers logs will be written.
Matches = [ "Yourname", " whispers ", "-> me", "admin", ".com", ]
Excludes = [ "", "Yourname>:", "Player Yourname", "Yourname joined", "Yourname left", "[Lockette] (Admin)", " Yourname:", "Yourname is", ]
[ChatBot.AntiAFK] Enabled = false Delay = { min = 60.0, max = 60.0 } # The time interval for execution. (in seconds) Command = "/ping" # Command to send to the server. Use_Sneak = false # Whether to sneak when sending the command. Use_Terrain_Handling = false # Use terrain handling to enable the bot to move around. Walk_Range = 5 # The range the bot can move around randomly (Note: the bigger the range, the slower the bot will be) Walk_Retries = 20 # How many times can the bot fail trying to move before using the command method.
[ChatBot.AutoAttack] Enabled = false Mode = "single" # "single" or "multi". single target one mob per attack. multi target all mobs in range per attack Priority = "distance" # "health" or "distance". Only needed when using single mode Cooldown_Time = { Custom = false, value = 1.0 } # How long to wait between each attack. Set "Custom = false" to let MCC calculate it. Interaction = "Attack" # Possible values: "Interact", "Attack" (default), "InteractAt" (Interact and Attack). Attack_Range = 4.0 # Capped between 1 to 4 Attack_Hostile = true # Erlaubt das Angreifen auf feindliche Mobs. Attack_Passive = false # Erlaubt das Angreifen auf passive Mobs. List_Mode = "whitelist" # Wether to treat the entities list as a "whitelist" or as a "blacklist". Entites_List = [ "Zombie", "Cow", ] # All entity types can be found here:
[ChatBot.AutoCraft] Enabled = false CraftingTable = { X = 123.0, Y = 65.0, Z = 456.0 } # Location of the crafting table if you intended to use it. Terrain and movements must be enabled. OnFailure = "abort" # What to do on crafting failure, "abort" or "wait".
[[ChatBot.AutoCraft.Recipes]] Name = "Recipe-Name-1" Type = "player" Result = "StoneBricks" Slots = [ "Stone", "Stone", "Stone", "Stone", ]
[[ChatBot.AutoCraft.Recipes]] Name = "Recipe-Name-2" Type = "table" Result = "StoneBricks" Slots = [ "Stone", "Stone", "Null", "Stone", "Stone", "Null", "Null", "Null", "Null", ]
[ChatBot.AutoDig] Enabled = false Mode = "lookat" # "lookat", "fixedpos" or "both". Digging the block being looked at, the block in a fixed position, or the block that needs to be all met.
Locations = [ { x = 123.5, y = 64.0, z = 234.5 }, { x = 124.5, y = 63.0, z = 235.5 }, ] Location_Order = "distance" # "distance" or "index", When using the "fixedpos" mode, the blocks are determined by distance to the player, or by the order in the list. Auto_Start_Delay = 3.0 # How many seconds to wait after entering the game to start digging automatically, set to -1 to disable automatic start. Dig_Timeout = 60.0 # Mining a block for more than "Dig_Timeout" seconds will be considered a timeout. Log_Block_Dig = true # Whether to output logs when digging blocks. List_Type = "whitelist" # Wether to treat the blocks list as a "whitelist" or as a "blacklist". Blocks = [ "Cobblestone", "Stone", ]
[ChatBot.AutoDrop] Enabled = false Mode = "include" # "include", "exclude" or "everything". Include: drop item IN the list. Exclude: drop item NOT IN the list Items = [ "Cobblestone", "Dirt", ]
[ChatBot.AutoEat] Enabled = false Threshold = 6
[ChatBot.AutoFishing] Enabled = false Antidespawn = false # Keep it as false if you have not changed it before. Mainhand = true # Use the mainhand or the offhand to hold the rod. Auto_Start = true # Whether to start fishing automatically after entering a world. Cast_Delay = 0.4 # How soon to re-cast after successful fishing. Fishing_Delay = 3.0 # How long after entering the game to start fishing (seconds). Fishing_Timeout = 300.0 # Fishing timeout (seconds). Timeout will trigger a re-cast. Durability_Limit = 2.0 # Will not use rods with less durability than this (full durability is 64). Set to zero to disable this feature. Auto_Rod_Switch = true # Switch to a new rod from inventory after the current rod is unavailable. Stationary_Threshold = 0.001 # Hook movement in the X and Z axis less than this value will be considered stationary. Hook_Threshold = 0.2 # A "stationary" hook that moves above this threshold in the Y-axis will be considered to have caught a fish. Log_Fish_Bobber = false # Used to adjust the above two thresholds, which when enabled will print the change in the position of the fishhook entity upon receipt of its movement packet. Enable_Move = false # This allows the player to change position/facing after each fish caught.
[[ChatBot.AutoFishing.Movements]] facing = { yaw = 12.34, pitch = -23.45 }
[[ChatBot.AutoFishing.Movements]] XYZ = { x = 123.45, y = 64.0, z = -654.32 } facing = { yaw = -25.14, pitch = 36.25 }
[[ChatBot.AutoFishing.Movements]] XYZ = { x = -1245.63, y = 63.5, z = 1.2 }
[ChatBot.AutoRelog] Enabled = true Delay = { min = 240.0, max = 500.0 } # The delay time before joining the server. (in seconds) Retries = 3 # Retries when failing to relog to the server. use -1 for unlimited retries. Ignore_Kick_Message = false # When set to true, autorelog will reconnect regardless of kick messages.
Kick_Messages = [ "connection has been lost", "server is restarting", "server is full", "too many people", ]
[ChatBot.AutoRespond] Enabled = false Matches_File = "matches.ini" Match_Colors = false # Do not remove colors from text (Note: Your matches will have to include color codes (ones using the § character) in order to work)
[ChatBot.ChatLog] Enabled = false Add_DateTime = true Log_File = "chatlog-%username%-%serverip%.txt" Filter = "messages"
[ChatBot.DiscordBridge] Enabled = false Token = "your bot token here" # Dein Discord-Bot-Token. GuildId = 1018553894831403028 # The ID of a server/guild where you have invited the bot to. ChannelId = 1018565295654326364 # The ID of a channel where you want to interact with the MCC using the bot. OwnersIds = [ 978757810781323276, ] # A list of IDs of people you want to be able to interact with the MCC using the bot. Message_Send_Timeout = 3 # How long to wait (in seconds) if a message can not be sent to discord before canceling the task (minimum 1 second).
PrivateMessageFormat = "[Private Message] {username}: {message}" PublicMessageFormat = "{username}: {message}" TeleportRequestMessageFormat = "A new Teleport Request from {username}!"
[ChatBot.Farmer] Enabled = false Delay_Between_Tasks = 1.0 # Delay between tasks in seconds (Minimum 1 second)
[ChatBot.FollowPlayer] Enabled = false Update_Limit = 1.5 # The rate at which the bot does calculations (in seconds) (You can tweak this if you feel the bot is too slow) Stop_At_Distance = 3.0 # Do not follow the player if he is in the range of 3 blocks (prevents the bot from pushing a player in an infinite loop)
[ChatBot.HangmanGame] Enabled = false English = true FileWords_EN = "hangman-en.txt" FileWords_FR = "hangman-fr.txt"
[ChatBot.Mailer] Enabled = false DatabaseFile = "MailerDatabase.ini" IgnoreListFile = "MailerIgnoreList.ini" PublicInteractions = false MaxMailsPerPlayer = 10 MaxDatabaseSize = 10000 MailRetentionDays = 30
[ChatBot.Map] Enabled = false Render_In_Console = true # Whether to render the map in the console. Save_To_File = false # Whether to store the rendered map as a file (You need this setting if you want to get a map on Discord using Discord Bridge). Auto_Render_On_Update = false # Automatically render the map once it is received or updated from/by the server Delete_All_On_Unload = true # Delete all rendered maps on unload/reload or when you launch the MCC again. Notify_On_First_Update = true # Get a notification when you have gotten a map from the server for the first time Rasize_Rendered_Image = false # Resize an rendered image, this is useful when images that are rendered are small and when are being sent to Discord. Resize_To = 512 # The size that a rendered image should be resized to, in pixels (eg. 512).
Send_Rendered_To_Discord = false Send_Rendered_To_Telegram = false
[ChatBot.PlayerListLogger] Enabled = false File = "playerlog.txt" Delay = 60.0 # (In Sekunden)
[ChatBot.RemoteControl] Enabled = true AutoTpaccept = true AutoTpaccept_Everyone = false
[ChatBot.ReplayCapture] Enabled = false Backup_Interval = 300.0 # How long should replay file be auto-saved, in seconds. Use -1 to disable.
[ChatBot.ScriptScheduler] Enabled = true
[[ChatBot.ScriptScheduler.TaskList]] Task_Name = "Automassage" Trigger_On_First_Login = false Trigger_On_Login = true Trigger_On_Times = { Enable = false, Times = [ 14:00:00, ] } Trigger_On_Interval = { Enable = false, MinTime = 1.0, MaxTime = 1.0 } Action = "script rmhjohennes.txt"
[[ChatBot.ScriptScheduler.TaskList]] Task_Name = "rmhjohennes" Trigger_On_First_Login = false Trigger_On_Login = false Trigger_On_Times = { Enable = false, Times = [ ] } Trigger_On_Interval = { Enable = false, MinTime = 1.0, MaxTime = 10.0 } Action = ""
[ChatBot.TelegramBridge] Enabled = false Token = "your bot token here" # Dein Telegram-Bot-Token. ChannelId = "" # An ID of a channel where you want to interact with the MCC using the bot. Authorized_Chat_Ids = [ ] # A list of Chat IDs that are allowed to send messages and execute commands. To get an id of your chat DM with the bot use ".chatid" bot command in Telegram. Message_Send_Timeout = 3 # How long to wait (in seconds) if a message can not be sent to Telegram before canceling the task (minimum 1 second).
PrivateMessageFormat = "(Private Message) {username}: {message}" PublicMessageFormat = "{username}: {message}" TeleportRequestMessageFormat = "A new Teleport Request from {username}!"
thank you man
Yeah, as I have suspected, the chat format is not vanilla, you will have to go to [ChatFormat]
Set Builtins
to false
and UserDefined
to true
, then write the regex for Public
, Private
and TeleportRequest
As for making regex, I suggest watching the tutorials linked here:
You also can ask Chat GPT to help you, just give it a copy of a private message you've received.
In your [ChatFormat]
section, change it to the following:
Builtins = false
UserDefined = true
Public = "^.* (.*): (.*)$"
Private = "^.* \[Du -> (.*)\] (.*)$"
TeleportRequest = '^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) has requested (?:to|that you) teleport to (?:you|them).$'
I don't know what your TeleportRequest looks like in the server, so I have not changed it from the default.
So I can use it if I copy paste your thing in it?
Cause idk how to use the regex tutorial here
so now i copy pasted it and i have this error:
if i remove the \ than it doesnt work atr all :(
I made a mistake, change your chat format to the following:
Builtins = false
UserDefined = true
Public = "^.* (.*): (.*)$"
Private = "^.* \\[Du -> (.*)\\] (.*)$"
TeleportRequest = '^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) has requested (?:to|that you) teleport to (?:you|them).$'
Thanks I'm trying this now do u have discord?
still dont work
still dont work
Can you disable that texture and screenshot it again, as well copy a message and paste it here.
Maybe the letters before the [
are messing up with the regex
] is Just thenway the Server Display the /MSG Stephan117 and the Texturenpack is Server Default
/msg Stephan117 quit thanx
and how can i do that if the bot enters the server, it presses the esc button?
can you show what the PM message looks like in MCC?
The same
we need a picture of mcc, because that's what we need to match to, not the minecraft message
Oke i'll make one ASA
If you have discord, you can join the discord server and create a help thread there so we can work faster instead of having to discuss it here on github.
yea thx how to come on the discord?
in config to diagnose my issueMinecraft Version
Console Client Version
Expected Behavior
i do /msg Stephan117 quit that the bot runs this/that/the command
Actual Behavior
I cant controll my bot remotely i set the /tell to the servers /msg bt if i do /msg Stephan117 quit ingame than it doesnt do anything pls help me
Steps to Reproduce the bug
Attach screenshot here (If applicable)
No response
Anythings that could help diagnosing the bug
No response
Operating System
Server Address (If applicable)