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Fallback image for author is not displayed when authorGitHubID is not available #82

Closed aphilop closed 2 years ago

aphilop commented 2 years ago

Problem description

At the section YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE at the bottom of an article, there is an instance where the fallback image for an author is not displayed because there is no authorGitHubID available (see image below).


While there is a mechanism (authorImg.html) to mitigate this, which is used in another places (Index page, Case Studies page, Guides page, after the title of an article), this mechanism is not used in this section.

Solution Include authorImg.html under the section YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE in blog-post.html.

malakumar85 commented 2 years ago

@andrewrmn - another bug for you to look at, thanks!