MIC-DKFZ / TractSeg

Automatic White Matter Bundle Segmentation
Apache License 2.0
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Using pre-downloaded pre-trained weights #274

Open teanijarv opened 2 weeks ago

teanijarv commented 2 weeks ago


I'm using TractSeg on an HPC where I don't have internet connection and I downloaded the weights on my local computer from Zenodo (https://zenodo.org/records/5052821) which I will transfer to the HPC but I have hard time understanding how could I "tell" the program now not to try to fetch the weights online but instead read them locally?

I should maybe mention I'm using the brainlife/tractseg Docker container converted to Apptainer.

Thanks in advance!

Best, Toomas

teanijarv commented 2 weeks ago

The issue gets solved for TractSeg commands when I use the config.txt to define where to look for the weights, but the Tracking would still try to find the weights in the .tractseg folder