MIT-SPARK / Kimera-Semantics

Real-Time 3D Semantic Reconstruction from 2D data
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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No 3D geometric reconstruction when fed a colored pointcloud #26

Open julienip opened 4 years ago

julienip commented 4 years ago

Hi Toni,

I provided a colored pointcloud to the kimera-senantics node but it doesn't output a 3D Geometric scene. I can see the ROS INFO : updating mesh in my terminal but not the timings messages that happen when I do have a 3D geometric scene in rviz.

You mention a pose estimate that need to be given too but I don't see that input in the kimera_semantics_node.

Thanks for your help.

Hi @kmfrick, yes! as long as you feed a colored pointcloud with the semantic segmentation and a pose estimate, kimera-semantics will output a 3D geometric and semantic reconstruction of the scene.

Originally posted by @ToniRV in

julienip commented 4 years ago

After puting some traces to see the difference between when it's working and when it is not... And after commenting the following test in // Previous behavior was just to use the latest transform if the time is in // the future. Now we will just wait. if (!tflistener.canTransform(to_frame, from_frame_modified,time_to_lookup)) { return false; }

I have :

[ERROR] [1587074514.738952279, 1585211039.058771156]: Error getting TF transform from sensor data: "left_cam" passed to lookupTransform argument source_frame does not exist.

So, I guess I have some issues with my rosbag inputs.

in the launch file, I see : Change sensor frame to:

I think I am getting closer to my answer... :)

ToniRV commented 4 years ago

Hi @julienip, The pose is inferred from the TF tree in ROS (it will look for the tfs you mentioned above, left_cam or left_cam_base_link depending on what you use). Nevertheless, you can also subscribe to a pose topic transform, which will be used in case you set the parameter use_tf_transforms to false: Note that these are parameters already available in voxblox, and therefore the documentation remains the same, note here

If true the ros tf tree will be used to get the pose of the sensor relative to the world (sensor_frame and world_frame will be used). If false the pose must be given via the transform topic.