MLSA-Mehran-UET / learn2code

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Add material related to Data Science #46

Open mursalfk opened 2 years ago

mursalfk commented 2 years ago

Please add some material, i.e. Algorithms, code, graphs, documentations, etc related to Data Science as to help young people.

Ishika2 commented 2 years ago

Very excited to take this issue as this is my first time. I have some material related to machine learning, would like to add here.

mursalfk commented 2 years ago

Sure. Please do so. That would be a huge help. @Ishika2

Ishika2 commented 2 years ago

Then please make me an assignee @mursalfk

mursalfk commented 2 years ago

Hello @Ishika2

If you are making a commit from VS Code or from Git Console, please do link the commit with the issue by adding the issue number with the commit message.

    e.g. git commit -m "My First Commit to an Issue" #46

And your commit would be linked to the issue. This way, it would be easier to track down the issue and solutions. It will come in handy in the longer run.

Ishika2 commented 2 years ago

Okay sure