MNGuenther / allesfitter

allesfitter is a convenient wrapper around the packages ellc (light curve and RV models), dynesty (static and dynamic nested sampling) emcee (Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling) and celerite (Gaussian Process models).
MIT License
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allesclass bug #70

Open franpoz opened 1 year ago

franpoz commented 1 year ago


I can not use allesclass anymore. Here the script that used to work fine:

import allesfitter
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import lightkurve as lk
from utils import lcbin
from transitleastsquares import (

datadir = 'TOI2081_fit' #change this to what you need
inst = 'TESS' #change this to what you need
key = 'flux' #change this to what you need

alles = allesfitter.allesclass(datadir)

but now I have the following error:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-3163506451a8> in <module>
      3 key = 'flux' #change this to what you need
----> 5 alles = allesfitter.allesclass(datadir)

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/allesfitter/ in __init__(self, datadir, quiet)
    107         if os.path.exists( os.path.join(config.BASEMENT.outdir,'save_ns.pickle.gz') ):
    108             f = gzip.GzipFile(os.path.join(config.BASEMENT.outdir,'save_ns.pickle.gz'), 'rb')
--> 109             results = pickle.load(f)
    110             f.close()
    111             self.posterior_samples = nested_sampling_output.draw_ns_posterior_samples(results) # all weighted posterior_samples

TypeError: 'Results' object does not support item assignment

allesfitter 1.2.10