MONOGRID / gainmap-js

A Javascript (TypeScript) Port of Adobe Gainmap Technology for storing HDR Images using an SDR Image + a gainmap
MIT License
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ios 14 webgl1 #26

Closed arpu closed 5 months ago

arpu commented 7 months ago


i have done some testing on Browserstack and ios and see a problem on ios 14 devices ( wegl1)

Unhandled Promise Rejection: TypeError: images[0].arrayBuffer is not a function. (In 'images[0].arrayBuffer()', 'images[0].arrayBuffer' is undefined)

Bildschirmfoto vom 2023-12-04 18-14-39

daniele-pelagatti commented 7 months ago

Interseting, it says arrayBuffer is not a function but according to caniuse the Blob.arrayBuffer() API should be available in Safari 14 Can you confirm inside your device reports Safari 14 ? Thanks

arpu commented 7 months ago

Bildschirmfoto vom 2023-12-04 19-15-28

but maybe this is nothing worry about, i only want to report, if i get more infos, will update

arpu commented 5 months ago

works with webgl1 and iphone 12 Pro v14.2

daniele-pelagatti commented 5 months ago

Thanks for reporting back!

dghez commented 2 months ago

Just FYI, threejs stopped supporting WEBGL1 too