MOONLAPSED / deprecated2

Python package for cognosis kb, syntax, and markup language. Under-construction.
MIT License
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@'cognosis manpage cadidate' commit #12

Closed MOONLAPSED closed 6 months ago

MOONLAPSED commented 6 months ago

Here are up to 5 potential improvements for the Python code:

Add type hints for function arguments and return values. This will make the code more readable and enable static type checking.

Use pathlib instead of os.path for file system paths. pathlib provides a higher-level, object-oriented interface that can prevent bugs.

Validate configuration values passed to dictConfig before using them. This can prevent crashes or misconfigurations.

Refactor to avoid nested if statements where possible. Nested ifs can make code harder to read and maintain.

Add docstrings to document functions and classes. Docstrings make the code more understandable for future maintainers.

Overall, the code follows generally good practices like using logging and separating configuration from application logic. The suggestions above could make the code a bit more robust and maintainable, but no major issues were found. The code is reasonably well designed.

MOONLAPSED commented 6 months ago

fix type-hinting runtime errors:

Run python 2>&1 | tee -a logs/app.log logs/python-app.log
  File "/home/runner/work/cognOS/cognOS/", line 34
    def _Post(msg -> str):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
MOONLAPSED commented 6 months ago

just queued resolution into CICD for validation

MOONLAPSED commented 6 months ago


marking resolved, main() and subroutines ran on the op issue's candidate resolution