MPI-IS / Grassmann-Averages-PCA

Robust and scalable PCA using Grassmann averages, in C++ with Matlab bindings
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
29 stars 4 forks source link
c-plus-plus cpp em-pca matlab-bindings pca robust-pca science

Grassmann Averages PCA C++ library

Homepage :

The library is an implementation of the Grassmann Averages for computing a PCA in robust and linear manner, presented in the paper:

      "Grassmann averages for scalable robust PCA", Soren Hauberg, Aasa Feragen and Michael J. Black, CVPR 2014.

The Grassmann Averages PCA is a method for extracting the principal components from a sets of vectors, with the nice following properties

It comes with two variants:

The paper is available from the homepage above and the details of the computations are given there.

Content of the repository

The repository contains the following:

Table of content

0 - License and terms of use

This program is an open-source project of the Max Planck Society. It is distributed under the terms of the BSD-3 Clause license. See accompanying LICENSE.txt file.

1 - Preparation

The GrassmannAveragesPCA C++ library depends on

You should be able to compile the code with a free development environment. The code has been tested on:

1.1 Boost

Usually boost can be installed through the system package manager. For instance:

However, there are some issues using Boost when you want to compile the MEX file extension, as Matlab is also shipped with a version of Boost that may conflict with the version you are using for the compilation.

Compiling boost on Windows

b2 --prefix=$BOOST_INSTALL_PREFIX --layout=versioned --ignore-config \
   --with-test --with-thread --with-system \
   --with-chrono --with-date_time --with-program_options install

where BOOST_INSTALL_PREFIX is the location where the library should be installed.

Compiling boost on Linux

If you wish to link with the static version of Boost on Linux, Boost should be compiled the following way (by default -fPIC is missing for static libraries):

./b2 --prefix=$BOOST_INSTALL_PREFIX --layout=versioned address-model=64 cflags=-fPIC cxxflags=-fPIC \
       --with-test --with-thread --with-system \
       --with-chrono --with-date_time --with-program_options install

Compiling boost on OSX

The command line is the following:

./b2 --prefix=$BOOST_INSTALL_PREFIX --layout=versioned address-model=32_64 --ignore-config \
       --with-test --with-thread --with-system \
       --with-chrono --with-date_time --with-program_options install


1.2 Cmake

CMake is usually available with an installer or as a package for your system. Version 2.8.11 or above is needed.

1.3 Matlab (2013a+, optional)

The library contains a target that enables the GrassmannAveragesPCA to be run from Matlab (MEX files). Matlab 2013a+ is required for these MEX files, but this requirement is mainly because of the use of the Unit Testing Framework of Matlab. If you are familiar with CMake, it should be easy for you to disable the Matlab unit tests while still being able to compile the MEX extensions.

2 - Compilation & installation of the GrassmannAveragesPCA

Create a build directory in the directory you have cloned the project ($source_folder)

cd $source_folder
mkdir build
cmake ..

On Windows, it would be

cd $source_folder
mkdir build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 Win64" ..

And then you build the Release/Debug version directly from Visual Studio.

2.1 Indicating the location of Boost

If Boost is not found by the cmake scripts, an error will be thrown and indicated. Usually it means that boost is not installed in the default library path of the system. In that case, the location of the installation directory of boost should be provided to the cmake script. This location is the BOOST_INSTALL_PREFIX indicated in the Boost section.

cd $source_folder
mkdir build

If Boost is not found, it may be because of the compiler id that is added to the file names (OSX). In that case, the correct identifier may be given on the command line:

cd $source_folder
mkdir build

2.2 Matlab bindings

The library contains a target that enables the GrassmannAveragesPCA to be run from Matlab. The Matlab bindings are on by default. It is possible to disable them by providing a variable to the cmake script:

cd $source_folder
mkdir build

The cmake script tries to find Matlab automatically. If it fails to do so, the Matlab root location can be provided with the following commands:

cd $source_folder
mkdir build
cmake -DMatlab_ROOT_DIR="C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013b" ..

A valid license should be available in order to be able to find Matlab. In particular, if the license is a floating network license, the license server should be accessible during the compilation.

2.3 Compilation options

Depending on the platform and the available instruction set (SSE, SSE2, SSE4, AVX, ...), the compilation options may be changed in order to produce a final binary that is more efficient.

3 - Programs

The programs were used to compute the GA, TGA and EM-PCA on a (large) set of images: each image is considered as a vector and the principal components on those vectors are extracted.

They are basic applications/implementation of the C++ API where some of the parameters may be specified from the command line. They all depend on OpenCV for loading the images from the files.

Their compilation is disabled automatically if OpenCV is not found. The location of OpenCV can be specified, if needed, with the -DOpenCVRoot=XXX option to cmake.

4 - Matlab extensions

The library contains a target that enables the GrassmannAveragesPCA to be run from Matlab (MEX files). Two files are actually needed to make the bindings work:

If you followed the previous instructions, after the build these two files can be found under $source_folder/build, or $source_folder/build/[Release|Debug] if you are using an IDE (Xcode, Visual). Several files are accompanying the mex file: these are the dependencies on Boost. Note that there is no such dependencies if Boost is linked against the static library version. The dependencies are the following:

These files are copied automatically during the Matlab mex file generation into the build directory. Note that the file GrassmannAveragesPCA.m does not contain any code but only the documentation for the mex file. This file should be in the same path as GrassmannAveragesPCA.mexXXX and is also copied automatically into the build directory. Inside Matlab, typing

  help GrassmannAveragesPCA

prints the help for using the GrassmannAveragesPCA MEX file.

5 - Tests

Several tests exists for the library. In order to run the tests, you could run:

cd $source_folder
mkdir build
cmake <cmake options> ..
make test

or in case you are using a IDE (XCode, Visual Studio), "building" the target "RUN_TESTS" will also run the tests. Some tests are running Matlab, and need a valid Matlab installation (with a valid license).

6 - Known issues