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Some wikipage entries not get found in formulasearch #234

Open Hyper-Node opened 2 years ago

Hyper-Node commented 2 years ago

When saving a page entries for indexes for page get created. However, some entries or sometimes entries can't be found with the search although they are in the index files.

Example is this on MathSearfchTest 2 page, each entry is saved with a dedicated pageedit:

first edit: : 5 million \times 12 second edit: : test - b2

First enty gets applied to index, but cant be found here: Second entry also gets applied to index and can be found.


-> tbd mathml index comparison of similar faulty and working examples

Hyper-Node commented 2 years ago
<math xmlns="" alttext="{\displaystyle{\displaystyle 5million\times 12}}" class="ltx_Math" display="inline" id="p1.1.m1.1">
  <semantics id="p1.1.m1.1a">
    <mrow id="p1.1.m1.1.12" xref="p1.1.m1.1.12.cmml">
      <mrow id="p1.1.m1.1.12.1" xref="p1.1.m1.1.12.1.cmml">
        <mn id="p1.1.m1.1.1" xref="p1.1.m1.1.1.cmml">5</mn>
        <mo id="p1.1.m1." xref="p1.1.m1.">⁢</mo>
        <mi id="p1.1.m1.1.2" xref="p1.1.m1.1.2.cmml">m</mi>
        <mo id="p1.1.m1." xref="p1.1.m1.">⁢</mo>
        <mi id="p1.1.m1.1.3" xref="p1.1.m1.1.3.cmml">i</mi>
        <mo id="p1.1.m1." xref="p1.1.m1.">⁢</mo>
        <mi id="p1.1.m1.1.4" xref="p1.1.m1.1.4.cmml">l</mi>
        <mo id="p1.1.m1." xref="p1.1.m1.">⁢</mo>
        <mi id="p1.1.m1.1.5" xref="p1.1.m1.1.5.cmml">l</mi>
        <mo id="p1.1.m1." xref="p1.1.m1.">⁢</mo>
        <mi id="p1.1.m1.1.6" xref="p1.1.m1.1.6.cmml">i</mi>
        <mo id="p1.1.m1." xref="p1.1.m1.">⁢</mo>
        <mi id="p1.1.m1.1.7" xref="p1.1.m1.1.7.cmml">o</mi>
        <mo id="p1.1.m1." xref="p1.1.m1.">⁢</mo>
        <mi id="p1.1.m1.1.8" xref="p1.1.m1.1.8.cmml">n</mi>
      <mo id="p1.1.m1.1.9" xref="p1.1.m1.1.9.cmml">×</mo>
      <mn id="p1.1.m1.1.11" xref="p1.1.m1.1.11.cmml">12</mn>
    <annotation-xml encoding="MathML-Content" id="p1.1.m1.1b">
      <apply id="p1.1.m1.1.12.cmml" xref="p1.1.m1.1.12">
        <times id="p1.1.m1.1.9.cmml" xref="p1.1.m1.1.9"/>
        <apply id="p1.1.m1.1.12.1.cmml" xref="p1.1.m1.1.12.1">
          <times id="p1.1.m1." xref="p1.1.m1."/>
          <cn id="p1.1.m1.1.1.cmml" type="integer" xref="p1.1.m1.1.1">5</cn>
          <ci id="p1.1.m1.1.2.cmml" xref="p1.1.m1.1.2">𝑚</ci>
          <ci id="p1.1.m1.1.3.cmml" xref="p1.1.m1.1.3">𝑖</ci>
          <ci id="p1.1.m1.1.4.cmml" xref="p1.1.m1.1.4">𝑙</ci>
          <ci id="p1.1.m1.1.5.cmml" xref="p1.1.m1.1.5">𝑙</ci>
          <ci id="p1.1.m1.1.6.cmml" xref="p1.1.m1.1.6">𝑖</ci>
          <ci id="p1.1.m1.1.7.cmml" xref="p1.1.m1.1.7">𝑜</ci>
          <ci id="p1.1.m1.1.8.cmml" xref="p1.1.m1.1.8">𝑛</ci>
        <cn id="p1.1.m1.1.11.cmml" type="integer" xref="p1.1.m1.1.11">12</cn>
    <annotation encoding="application/x-tex" id="p1.1.m1.1c">{\displaystyle{\displaystyle 5million\times 12}}</annotation>
Hyper-Node commented 2 years ago


Hyper-Node commented 1 year ago

Eventually recheck this in new environment.

physikerwelt commented 2 months ago

Update formula search index. Continue