Maerorr / maerors-vst3-plugins

All my VST3 plugins written in Rust using nih-plug framework and Vizia UI library
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[REQ] Add a (GH-compliant) license file #3

Open MarcoRavich opened 2 months ago

MarcoRavich commented 2 months ago

Hi there, 1st of all thanks for this awesome work !

Since we've 'doxed' it in our HyMPS project (under AUDIO category \ Effects page \ Guitar subpage \ Pedals section \ Multi), can you please add a GH-compliant license file for it ?

As you know, expliciting licensing terms is extremely important to let anyone better/faster understand how to reuse/adapt/modify sources (and not only) in other open projects and vice-versa.

Although it may sounds like a minor aspect, license file omission obviously causes an inconsistent generation of the relative badge too:

(badge-generator URL:

You can easily set a standardized one through the GH's license wizard tool.

Last but not least, let us know how we could improve - in your opinion - our categorizations and links to resources in order to favor collaboration between developers (and therefore evolution) of listed projects.

Hope that helps/inspires !

MarcoRavich commented 1 month ago

Bump (request updated).

Maerorr commented 1 month ago

This set of plugins was made as a learning exercise. They are not meant to be used in production environment and (probably) may crash at any time. It's best to not share them on any page that someone might go to looking for actual audio software.

MarcoRavich commented 1 month ago

Hi there, thanks for replying.

First we need to clarify that our resources collection is clearly oriented to developers and NOT to end users, so the "production environment issue" is excluded (although we can't prevent it, of course).

Secondly we do strongly believe that any open source code can be useful even if it's un-updated/maintained but, if it's this project case, we recommend you to set - after choosing a license - your repository as archived (so the "no longer developed" status will be clearer for anyone).

Last but not least: our GH organization has started to store development-deadlocked third-party source codes in order to preserve them from the oblivion, so - if you're considering to get rid of this repository - we invite you to donate it (using the GH Transfer function) instead of deleting it.

Thanks again !