MagerValp / AutoDMG

Create deployable system images from OS X installer
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Recent mojave build fails w/ 134 #229

Open arubdesu opened 5 years ago

arubdesu commented 5 years ago

Description of issue

Can't build on (pretty stock) iMac Pro as of Mojave ~10.14.2

Expected behavior

Successful 'vanilla' build

Actual behavior

Immediate fail at beginning of InstallInfo.plist processing

Steps to reproduce

  1. Download (via MAS & then dmg'd, or Mojave (10.14.2/10.14.3)
  2. Drag .app from mounted dmg to app
  3. hit build with no customizations

Log file

AutoDMG 2019-01-23 15.14.log

Attaching Installer log and dist from the SUS feed entry for 10.14.3, just in case, error's not jumping out at me. 041-31308.English.txt installLogSegment.txt

ghost commented 5 years ago

I am also seeing this on an iMac pro

MagerValp commented 5 years ago

Same error 134 on my iMac Pro, but it builds on my T2 MacBook Pro.

qu1gl3s commented 5 years ago

Noticing this issue as well on my machine and no T2 on this device.

Running a 2019 27-inch 5K iMac.

rterakedis commented 5 years ago

Seeing the same issue on iMac Pro. Let me know if any additional logs or testing would be of assistance! @rterakedis on MacAdmins Slack.

rterakedis commented 5 years ago

Tried going through the process using the "how does it work" code:

OS-Installers  $: hdiutil attach -noverify -mountpoint /tmp/installesd /Volumes/OS-Installers/Install\ macOS\
/dev/disk3              GUID_partition_scheme           
/dev/disk3s1            EFI                             
/dev/disk3s2            Apple_HFS                       /private/tmp/installesd
OS-Installers  $: hdiutil create -size 32g -type SPARSE -fs HFS+J -volname "Macintosh HD" -uid 0 -gid 80 -mode 1775 /tmp/output.sparseimage
created: /tmp/output.sparseimage
OS-Installers  $: hdiutil attach -noverify -mountpoint /tmp/os -owners on /tmp/output.sparseimage
/dev/disk4              GUID_partition_scheme           
/dev/disk4s1            EFI                             
/dev/disk4s2            Apple_HFS                       /private/tmp/os
OS-Installers  $: installer -pkg /tmp/installesd/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg -target /tmp/os
installer: Disk is not valid target /tmp/os.
fuzzylogiq commented 5 years ago

Well the sparseimg should be APFS, Mojave won't install to HFS+J, but then you get:

[1] 80316 abort installer -pkg /Volumes/InstallESD/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg -tgt /tmp/os

fuzzylogiq commented 5 years ago

When dumping verboseR logs it crashes right after:

<Warning>: Ignoring value of "ConvertToAPFS" key, which was set to NO.

which on a successful run is followed by: <Info>: Won't convert to CS, target already a CS volume installer: OS Install started.

So something about enumerating CoreStorage?

MagerValp commented 5 years ago

Here are two logs, a successful run from my 2018 MacBook Pro 15": autodmg-success.log

And a failed run from my iMac Pro: autodmg-failure.log

I've normalized some of the random identifiers and path names for easier diffing.

vasquesbc commented 5 years ago

Same issue here on my 2019 iMac 27" (no T2)

cybertunnel commented 5 years ago

Same issue here iMac Pro 27"

Starting phase: Installing OS
phase: Installing OS
Workflow failed: Build failed (Installation of 'InstallInfo.plist' failed with return code 134. See the log for details.)
Build failed: Build failed

It does throw tons of files don't exist errors

2019-07-23 16:36:59.034 Python[5200:13324137] Failed socket message: <62706c69 73743030 d2010203 04566163 74696f6e 576d6573 73616765 5e757064 6174655f 6d657373 6167655f 1017456a 65637469 6e672027 2f646576 2f646973 6b367332 27080d14 1c2b0000 00000000 01010000 00000000 00050000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0045>
2019-07-23 16:36:59.057 Python[5200:13324137] Socket at /tmp/ failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2019-07-23 16:36:59.057 Python[5200:13324137] Failed socket message: <62706c69 73743030 d3010203 04050656 61637469 6f6e576d 65737361 6765596c 6f675f6c 6576656c 5b6c6f67 5f6d6573 73616765 5f102a68 64697574 696c3a20 64657461 63683a20 70726f63 65737369 6e672022 2f646576 2f646973 6b367332 22100608 0f161e28 34610000 00000000 01010000 00000000 00070000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0063>
2019-07-23 16:36:59.057 Python[5200:13324137] Socket at /tmp/ failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2019-07-23 16:36:59.058 Python[5200:13324137] Failed socket message: <62706c69 73743030 d3010203 04050656 61637469 6f6e576d 65737361 6765596c 6f675f6c 6576656c 5b6c6f67 5f6d6573 73616765 5f10344c 65744449 44726976 65725365 74746c65 446f776e 3a206361 6c6c696e 6720494f 53657276 69636557 61697451 75696574 2e2e2e10 06080f16 1e28346b 00000000 00000101 00000000 00000007 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000006d>
2019-07-23 16:36:59.058 Python[5200:13324137] Socket at /tmp/ failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2019-07-23 16:36:59.058 Python[5200:13324137] Failed socket message: <62706c69 73743030 d3010203 04050656 61637469 6f6e576d 65737361 6765596c 6f675f6c 6576656c 5b6c6f67 5f6d6573 73616765 5f103544 495f6b65 78745761 69745175 6965743a 2061626f 75742074 6f206361 6c6c2049 4f536572 76696365 57616974 51756965 742e2e2e 1006080f 161e2834 6c000000 00000001 01000000 00000000 07000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 6e>
2019-07-23 16:36:59.058 Python[5200:13324137] Socket at /tmp/ failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2019-07-23 16:36:59.058 Python[5200:13324137] Failed socket message: <62706c69 73743030 d3010203 04050656 61637469 6f6e576d 65737361 6765596c 6f675f6c 6576656c 5b6c6f67 5f6d6573 73616765 5f103a44 495f6b65 78745761 69745175 6965743a 20494f53 65727669 63655761 69745175 69657420 746f6f6b 20302e30 30303030 34207365 636f6e64 73100608 0f161e28 34710000 00000000 01010000 00000000 00070000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0073>
2019-07-23 16:36:59.058 Python[5200:13324137] Socket at /tmp/ failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2019-07-23 16:36:59.058 Python[5200:13324137] Failed socket message: <62706c69 73743030 d3010203 04050656 61637469 6f6e576d 65737361 6765596c 6f675f6c 6576656c 5b6c6f67 5f6d6573 73616765 5f10384c 65744469 736b496d 61676544 72697665 72536574 746c6544 6f776e3a 20776169 7420746f 6f6b2030 2e303030 30353320 7365636f 6e647310 06080f16 1e28346f 00000000 00000101 00000000 00000007 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000071>```
cybertunnel commented 5 years ago

Here are two logs, a successful run from my 2018 MacBook Pro 15": autodmg-success.log

And a failed run from my iMac Pro: autodmg-failure.log

I've normalized some of the random identifiers and path names for easier diffing.

Did you record which version of 10.14 you were running? Thinking it might be linked with the OS version.

vasquesbc commented 5 years ago

Same issue here on my 2019 iMac 27" (no T2)

Tried it again with the same AutoDMG release 1.9 on the same machine and it completed successfully on macOS 10.14.6 (18G87) using a 10.14.6 installer app.

seams to me as if this issue is solved by using the current Mojave release.