MahShaaban / pcr

Quality assessing, analyzing and testing the statistical significance of real-time quantitative PCR data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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pcr_wilcox function #27

Closed lmanchon closed 3 years ago

lmanchon commented 3 years ago


I get different pvalues when I use directly the wilcox.test function on my series of values. Why does the pcr_wilcox function of the package return a different pvalue?

thank you --

MahShaaban commented 3 years ago

Would you please provide an example of the different values?

lmanchon commented 3 years ago

ok, sorry, i found my problem, you use a '.pcr_normalize' function in your package to normalize the values , i missed that. But why to normalize the data when using a Wilcoxon test ? The data must be normally distributed for a T-test and not for a Wilcoxon test, right ?

MahShaaban commented 3 years ago

.pcr_normalize normalize the gene of interest to the reference gene. This, I think, is quite different from the input values to the test functions being normally distributed or not.

lmanchon commented 3 years ago

ok. not sure it makes much difference to normalize the values in the Wilcoxon test cases.