Malgardian / TQCollector

Source for TQCollector, a tool for item collectors in Titan Quest
14 stars 4 forks source link

TQC doesn't recognize path to TQVAULT 4.4.0 #35

Open Wellyx9608 opened 3 months ago

Wellyx9608 commented 3 months ago

Hello ! First thank you for this tool I see it working on multiple streams but it seems on my PC it doesn't recognize the path to TQ VAULT as follow:


I tried redownloading TQ VAULT and TQC but nothing seems to work; For your information my PC is brand new and I started a new account on TQAE so maybe it comes from that ?

Either this is fix or not, thank you for your time and work !

Malgardian commented 3 months ago

Hey, thanks for the report. I think I know what the issue is. Can you create an empty text file in the Vault directory called "test.vault" and try again? I'm assuming the vault directory is either empty or contains only .json files, right?

Wellyx9608 commented 3 months ago

Hey it worked instantly ! It was indeed empty

Let me tell you that your reactivity is greatly appreciated and you spotted the error so fast ! That's a 5 star review for me !

Thank you for your help, time and work !

Happy TQing !

Malgardian commented 3 months ago

Thanks, glad to hear that did the trick :) I might have to do something about that edge case, so it doesn't happen again.