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Customize Template is empty #22746

Closed Jonathan-Caruana closed 11 months ago

Jonathan-Caruana commented 11 months ago

Hello, I just update our Oparin instance to Petrosian and when i want to deploy a new vm using template i cant choose any scripts in "Customize template" section. It's only displayed " \". Yet the scritps were there before upgrading.

Before with Nadjorf/Oparin : Capture d’écran du 2023-10-17 17-07-47

After with Petrosian : Capture d’écran du 2023-10-17 17-02-06

Any information to help me?


agrare commented 11 months ago

Wow that's a coincidence, I was looking into something different and I just saw this exact issue today. Thank you for the bug report I'll dig into this and hope to post back with what the issue is shortly.

agrare commented 11 months ago

cc @jeffibm I'm unsure at this point if this is core or UI

agrare commented 11 months ago

In allowed_customization_specs I see the last results value being returned has 2 customization_specs:

   445:     result.delete_if(&:is_sysprep_spec?) if customization_type == 'file'
   446:     result.delete_if { |cs| !cs.is_sysprep_spec? } if customization_type == 'fields'
=> 447:     result
   448:   end
(byebug) result
[#<OpenStruct id=1, evm_object_class=:CustomizationSpec, name="vcsim-linux", typ="Linux", description="", last_update_time=nil, is_sysprep_spec?=true>, #<OpenStruct id=2, evm_object_class=:CustomizationSpec, name="vcsim-linux-static", typ="Linux", description="", last_update_time=nil, is_sysprep_spec?=true>]

But the UI still shows <None> image

GilbertCherrie commented 11 months ago

Have a fix here:

Jonathan-Caruana commented 11 months ago

Hello @agrare @GilbertCherrie ,

Thanks for the quick responses and fix. I'm not sure what i'm supposed to do. I have edited the only "request_info_helper.rb" file that i have found here :


I put the fix manually and restart evmserverd service but the issue still appear im my UI.

I missed something?


agrare commented 11 months ago

@Jonathan-Caruana no you aren't missing anything, turns out the was a similar bug with RHV/Ovirt Customization Templates. We were looking at the vSphere provision page but I see an issue with customization_templates as well.

GilbertCherrie commented 11 months ago

I can look into this

agrare commented 11 months ago

Jonathan-Caruana commented 11 months ago

Hi @agrare

Everything works perfectly now thank you.

I also closed this issue :

Petrosian upgrade fixed this one too.

Have a good day.

agrare commented 11 months ago

Thanks for testing @Jonathan-Caruana !