Open Adil-Ashfaq35 opened 9 months ago
I'm also getting the same issue Found any fix for this ?
I got the solution, its because the api is not getting the user level scope.
go to zoom marketplace , and then go to scope section and give user level access.
[ERROR:flutter/runtime/] Unhandled Exception: ZoomError: Error starting meeting: Exception: Failed to fetch data: Exception: Failed to log in: This exception was thrown because the response has a status code of 400 and RequestOptions.validateStatus was configured to throw for this status code. E/flutter (29582): The status code of 400 has the following meaning: "Client error - the request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled" E/flutter (29582): Read more about status codes at E/flutter (29582): In order to resolve this exception you typically have either to verify and fix your request code or you have to fix the server code. E/flutter (29582): E/flutter (29582): #0 MethodChannelZoomAllInOneSdk.startMeeting (package:zoom_allinonesdk/zoom_allinonesdk_method_channel.dart:134:7) E/flutter (29582):
E/flutter (29582): #1 _MeetingWidgetState.startMeetingAndroidAndIOS.. (package:doctor_app/UI/MeetingScreen.dart:163:19)
E/flutter (29582):
E/flutter (29582):