Open johnnaaron opened 1 year ago
Describe the bug When I try to run the debugger, I get a pop up saying: Please install the R package "vscDebugger"! And the terminal saying:
The debugger requires the R package "vscDebugger"!
It can be attempted to install this package and the dependencies (currently R6 and jsonlite) automatically.
To do so, run the following command in the command palette (ctrl+shift+p):
This feature is still somewhat experimental!
If this does not work or you want to make sure you have the latest version, follow the instructions in the readme to install the package yourself.
When I open the command pallet (ctrl+shift+p) and select the option R Debugger: Update or Install the required R Packages, I get the following message:
* Executing task in folder Personal: C:\Users\mshihab2\AppData\Local\Programs\R\R-4.2.2\bin\x64\R.exe --no-restore --quiet -f "c:\Users\mshihab2\.vscode\extensions\rdebugger.r-debugger-0.5.2\R\install.R" --args ""
* The terminal process "C:\Users\mshihab2\AppData\Local\Programs\R\R-4.2.2\bin\x64\R.exe '--no-restore', '--quiet', '-f', '"c:\Users\mshihab2\.vscode\extensions\rdebugger.r-debugger-0.5.2\R\install.R"', '--args', '""'" terminated with exit code: 3221225477.
* Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
OS: Windows 10 21H2 R Version: Latest, 4.2.2 vscDebugger Version: N/A, does not install vscode-r-debugger Version: Latest, 0.5.2
@mahmoud-shihab I think the issue is that the Rpackage needs to be installed but at the moment the vscode link on the vscode extension store is faulty.
I resolved the issue taking inspiration from @mvwestendorp's solution at by
install.packages("", repos = NULL, type = "win.binary")
on Rstudio or a Rterminal.
Check if you have it installed by library(vscDebugger)
and ?vscDebugger-package
I've just had the same issue. The command itself in VSCode seems to fail. However, the files that are referenced still seem to work. Running the following (EDIT: running it as root is what made the difference) in a terminal gave me satisfying results:
/usr/bin/R --no-restore --quiet -f "/home/<YOUR_USER>/.vscode/extensions/rdebugger.r-debugger-0.5.2/R/install.R" --args ""
@the-zucc thanks!
@mahmoud-shihab I think the issue is that the Rpackage needs to be installed but at the moment the vscode link on the vscode extension store is faulty.
I resolved the issue taking inspiration from @mvwestendorp's solution at #182 by
install.packages("", repos = NULL, type = "win.binary")
on Rstudio or a Rterminal.Check if you have it installed by
Just tried this and this worked for me as well!
Describe the bug When installing R debugger for the first time, running "rdebugger.updateRPackage" fails and exits with errors.
Error 1: "No such file or directory" file does exist Error 2: "No package called 'jsonlite'" package is installed
To Reproduce
brew install --cask r
R install.packages(c('languageserver', 'httpgd', 'jsonlite', 'R6'))
the command palette (CMD+SHIFT+P)Your R code N/A, print("Hello World")
Your Launch config N/A
Additional context