MapIV / eagleye

Precise localization based on GNSS and IMU.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Try running eagleye with llh_source_type=sensor_msgs/NavSatFix ( without RTKLIB and nmea_msgs::sentence topics) #332

Open mamadouDembele opened 1 month ago

mamadouDembele commented 1 month ago


I'm trying to get eagleye (develop-ros2 branch) to work with my bags, which contain the following data:

My configuration file looks like this (And use_multi_antenna_mode is set to true)

/**: #GNSS cycle 5Hz, IMU cycle 50Hz. ros__parameters:

Estimate mode

use_gnss_mode: NMEA
use_can_less_mode: false

# Topic
  twist_type: 0 # TwistStamped : 0, TwistWithCovarianceStamped: 1
  twist_topic: /can_twist
imu_topic: /.../imu
  velocity_source_type: 1 # rtklib_msgs/RtklibNav: 0, nmea_msgs/Sentence: 1, ublox_msgs/NavPVT: 2, geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovarianceStamped: 3
  velocity_source_topic: /.../gnss_rear/nmea_sentence
  llh_source_type: 2 # rtklib_msgs/RtklibNav: 0, nmea_msgs/Sentence: 1, sensor_msgs/NavSatFix: 2
  llh_source_topic:  /.../gnss_rear/navsatfix

  llh_source_type: 2 # nmea_msgs/Sentence: 1, sensor_msgs/NavSatFix: 2
  llh_source_topic:  /.../gnss_front/navsatfix

The terminal show me that: Screenshot from 2024-05-14 14-51-30

Eagleye can't estimate the final pose It seems eagleye doesn't use the latLonAlt info from sensor_msgs/Navsatfix for estimating the position (x, y, z).

I tried looking at the code to understand the problem. The function position_estimate can only be used for rtklib_msgs and nmea_msgs formats and not for sensor_msgs. If I'm right, that means we can use eagleye with sensor_msgs/NavSatFix. I hope my wrong.

void **position_estimate**(const rtklib_msgs::msg::RtklibNav, const geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped, const
eagleye_msgs::msg::StatusStamped, const eagleye_msgs::msg::Distance, const eagleye_msgs::msg::Heading, const geometry_msgs::msg::Vector3Stamped, const PositionParameter, PositionStatus*, eagleye_msgs::msg::Position*);

void **position_estimate**(const nmea_msgs::msg::Gpgga, const geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped, const eagleye_msgs::msg::StatusStamped, const eagleye_msgs::msg::Distance, const eagleye_msgs::msg::Heading, const geometry_msgs::msg::Vector3Stamped, const PositionParameter, PositionStatus*, eagleye_msgs::msg::Position*); 

Kind regards Please let me know if you want my bag and the modifs I did from eagleye.

rsasaki0109 commented 1 month ago

Sorry, there might be a bug with the combination of velocity_source as nmea_sentence and llh_source as nav_sat_fix. Does nmea_sentence include GGA? If it does, you should specify nmea_sentence for llh_source.