MarynaMartseniuk / Note-Taker-ch11

Note Taker is an App that can be used to write and save notes. This application uses an Express.js back end and saves and retrieves note data from a JSON file.
MIT License
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Note Taker

Note Taker is an App that can be used to write and save notes. This application uses an Express.js back end and saves and retrieves note data from a JSON file.


Motivation to create this App was a wish to have a simple Note-taker so that I can easy add and look through important info, so I will not miss any important event.

I built this App because it had some new coding challanges needed to be solved. For me, as for a begginer, it was importent to get a new skills and got understanding that "I can do it!".

This App hepls a user create, save, look through important notes and delete the one that are done just in a minutes. It is an easy and simple to use!

This project was interesting and usefull for me because, as a begginer, I learned how perform the basics knowlege:

Table of Contents


To use this App you need to install NodeJS on your PC, copy this repo with a code, then use a Command Line to run this App.


  1. in the Command Line/GitBush/Terminal go to the folder with the code;
  2. run ""npm install" to buid the App;
  3. run "node server.js" to start the App;
  4. in your browser use "localhost:3001" URL to see and use the App;
  5. click on "Get Started" button and the pages with notes will be open;

"Get Started" will look like:

  1. if you would like to start a new note, you can start typing in the "Note Title" and "Note Text" windows. After you start to type in one of the windows, a "clear Form" button will appear. After you put data in both windows a "Save Note" button will appear. To save a new note click on a "Save Note" button. This note will be saved and displayed in the left-hand column at the end of the note List.

"to start a new note" will look like:

"to save a new note" will look like:

"display of a new note" will look like:

  1. if you would like to see any saved note, click on it in the left-hand list. It will be displaed in the right-hand area. A "New Note" button will appaer on the right top coner. If you click on it, you can start a new note.

"to see any saved note" will look like:

  1. if you would like to delete the note, click on "Garbage Can" icon and this note will be deleted.


  1. source of starter code is bootcamp UofU:
  2. sourse of code: UofU bootcamp, module# 11, activities ## 05,17, 21
  3. sourse of code:
  4. source of code:


All assets and code are under the MIT license. Please, check more info in lisence section of this repo or use this link

License: MIT

How to Contribute

this section is comming soon