Unbreaded is a captivating game where a gingerbread man, animated by a passionate chef's final act, embarks on a quest against an evil corporation. Set in a world merging a cozy bakery with industrial hazards, players navigate puzzles, combat kitchen foes, and unveil a heartfelt story.
-Created sound emitters to be placed in the level. everything in Audio/emitters
-Created BP_gameInstance so that the audio levels can stay constant throughout game.
-Volume slider now affects volume.
-Main menu button now hovers properly in pause menu. #264
-BGM now plays in the main menu. #200 #230
-Added anim notifies to bread and doughnut attacks. Now making sounds for attacks and deaths.
-Stovetop trap now makes sounds.
-MAin menu now uses play button instead of "Play Demo" or "New save" #277
-Changed health tracker to use full health icon.
close #264
close #200
close #277
contribute #199
contirubte #230
Anything else?
Sometiems the donut shooting doesn't line up with the animation, might be a animation transition issue?
-Created sound emitters to be placed in the level. everything in Audio/emitters -Created BP_gameInstance so that the audio levels can stay constant throughout game. -Volume slider now affects volume. -Main menu button now hovers properly in pause menu. #264 -BGM now plays in the main menu. #200 #230 -Added anim notifies to bread and doughnut attacks. Now making sounds for attacks and deaths. -Stovetop trap now makes sounds. -MAin menu now uses play button instead of "Play Demo" or "New save" #277 -Changed health tracker to use full health icon.
close #264 close #200 close #277 contribute #199 contirubte #230
Anything else?
Sometiems the donut shooting doesn't line up with the animation, might be a animation transition issue?
Tested post merge with dev.