MassimoCimmino / pygfunction

An open-source toolbox for the evaluation of thermal response factors (g-functions) of geothermal borehole fields.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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How to simulate the temperature of outlet fluid during a period? #297

Open metab0t opened 6 days ago

metab0t commented 6 days ago

Thanks for developing this great package!

Recently I want to use pygfunction to simulate a pipe network where the time series of inlet/outlet temperature are known.

I want to use the time series of inlet temperature to calculate the outlet temperature for validation.

However, I only see the simulation of fluid temperature where the rate of heat extraction is known as time series. Is there any way to use inlet temperature as input?

MassimoCimmino commented 4 days ago

A system of equations can be solved to obtain the heat extraction rate and the borehole wall temperature every time step:

g_dt = gFunc.gFunc[0]
a_in, a_b = network.coefficients_network_heat_extraction_rate(
    m_flow_network, cp_f, 1)
a_in = a_in.item()
# The effective borehole wall temperature is applied to all boreholes
a_b = np.sum(a_b)
# Solve the system of equations:
# 1) Q_tot = a_in * T_f_in + a_b * T_b
# 2) T_b = T_b0 - Q_tot / (2*pi*k_s*H*nB) * g(dt)
denom = (2 * pi * k_s * H * nBoreholes)
T_b[i] = (T_b0 - a_in * T_f_in[i] * g_dt / denom) / (
        1 + a_b * g_dt / denom)
Q_tot[i] = a_in * T_f_in[i] + a_b * T_b[i]

Below is a modified version of the example fluid_temperature_multiple_boreholes with an inlet fluid temperature signal.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Example of simulation of a geothermal system with multiple boreholes.

    The g-function of a bore field is calculated for boundary condition of
    mixed inlet fluid temperature into the boreholes. Then, the borehole
    wall temperature variations resulting from a time-varying inlet fluid
    temperature profile are simulated using the aggregation method of Claesson
    and Javed (2012). Predicted outlet fluid temperatures of double U-tube
    borehole are evaluated.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import pi

import pygfunction as gt

def main():
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Simulation parameters
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Borehole dimensions
    D = 4.0             # Borehole buried depth (m)
    H = 150.0           # Borehole length (m)
    r_b = 0.075         # Borehole radius (m)

    # Bore field geometry (rectangular array)
    N_1 = 6             # Number of boreholes in the x-direction (columns)
    N_2 = 4             # Number of boreholes in the y-direction (rows)
    B = 7.5             # Borehole spacing, in both directions (m)

    # Pipe dimensions
    r_out = 0.0211      # Pipe outer radius (m)
    r_in = 0.0147       # Pipe inner radius (m)
    D_s = 0.052         # Shank spacing (m)
    epsilon = 1.0e-6    # Pipe roughness (m)

    # Pipe positions
    # Double U-tube [(x_in1, y_in1), (x_in2, y_in2),
    #                (x_out1, y_out1), (x_out2, y_out2)]
    pos = [(-D_s, 0.), (0., -D_s), (D_s, 0.), (0., D_s)]

    # Ground properties
    alpha = 1.0e-6      # Ground thermal diffusivity (m2/s)
    k_s = 2.0           # Ground thermal conductivity (W/m.K)
    T_g = 10.0          # Undisturbed ground temperature (degC)

    # Grout properties
    k_g = 1.0           # Grout thermal conductivity (W/m.K)

    # Pipe properties
    k_p = 0.4           # Pipe thermal conductivity (W/m.K)

    # Fluid properties
    m_flow_borehole = 0.25      # Total fluid mass flow rate per borehole (kg/s)
    m_flow_network = m_flow_borehole*N_1*N_2    # Total fluid mass flow rate (kg/s)
    # The fluid is propylene-glycol (20 %) at 20 degC
    fluid ='MPG', 20.)
    cp_f = fluid.cp     # Fluid specific isobaric heat capacity (J/kg.K)
    rho_f = fluid.rho   # Fluid density (kg/m3)
    mu_f =     # Fluid dynamic viscosity (kg/m.s)
    k_f = fluid.k       # Fluid thermal conductivity (W/m.K)

    # g-Function calculation options
    options = {'nSegments': 8,
               'disp': True}

    # Simulation parameters
    dt = 3600.                  # Time step (s)
    tmax = 1.*8760. * 3600.     # Maximum time (s)
    Nt = int(np.ceil(tmax/dt))  # Number of time steps
    time = dt * np.arange(1, Nt+1)

    # Load aggregation scheme
    LoadAgg = gt.load_aggregation.ClaessonJaved(dt, tmax)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Initialize bore field and pipe models
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # The field is a retangular array
    boreField = gt.boreholes.rectangle_field(N_1, N_2, B, B, H, D, r_b)
    nBoreholes = len(boreField)

    # Pipe thermal resistance
    R_p = gt.pipes.conduction_thermal_resistance_circular_pipe(
            r_in, r_out, k_p)

    # Fluid to inner pipe wall thermal resistance (Double U-tube in parallel)
    m_flow_pipe = m_flow_borehole / 2
    h_f = gt.pipes.convective_heat_transfer_coefficient_circular_pipe(
            m_flow_pipe, r_in, mu_f, rho_f, k_f, cp_f, epsilon)
    R_f = 1.0/(h_f*2*pi*r_in)

    # Double U-tube (parallel), same for all boreholes in the bore field
    UTubes = []
    for borehole in boreField:
        UTube = gt.pipes.MultipleUTube(
            pos, r_in, r_out, borehole, k_s, k_g, R_f + R_p,
            nPipes=2, config='parallel')
    # Build a network object from the list of UTubes
    network = gt.networks.Network(
        boreField, UTubes, m_flow_network=m_flow_network, cp_f=cp_f)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Calculate g-function
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Get time values needed for g-function evaluation
    time_req = LoadAgg.get_times_for_simulation()
    # Calculate g-function
    gFunc = gt.gfunction.gFunction(
        network, alpha, time=time_req, boundary_condition='MIFT',
    # Initialize load aggregation scheme

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Simulation
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Evaluate inlet fluid temperature
    one_year = 8760 * 3600.
    one_day = 24 * 3600.
    T_f_in = 15. - 10 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * time / one_year)  - 5 * np.sin(np.pi * time / one_day)**2

    T_b = np.zeros(Nt)
    T_f_out = np.zeros(Nt)
    Q_tot = np.zeros(Nt)
    g_dt = gFunc.gFunc[0]
    a_in, a_b = network.coefficients_network_heat_extraction_rate(
        m_flow_network, cp_f, 1)
    a_in = a_in.item()
    # The effective borehole wall temperature is applied to all boreholes
    a_b = np.sum(a_b)
    for i, t in enumerate(time):
        # Increment time step by (1)

        # Evaluate borehole wall temperature assuming no extraction
        T_b0 = T_g - LoadAgg.temporal_superposition().item()

        # Solve the system of equations:
        # 1) Q_tot = a_in * T_f_in + a_b * T_b
        # 2) T_b = T_b0 - Q_tot / (2*pi*k_s*H*nB) * g(dt)
        denom = (2 * pi * k_s * H * nBoreholes)
        T_b[i] = (T_b0 - a_in * T_f_in[i] * g_dt / denom) / (
            1 + a_b * g_dt / denom)
        Q_tot[i] = a_in * T_f_in[i] + a_b * T_b[i]

        # Apply current load (in watts per meter of borehole)
        LoadAgg.set_current_load(Q_tot[i] / (H * nBoreholes))

        # Evaluate outlet fluid temperature
        T_f_out[i] = network.get_network_outlet_temperature(
                T_f_in[i],  T_b[i], m_flow_network, cp_f, nSegments=1)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Plot hourly heat extraction rates and temperatures
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Configure figure and axes
    fig = gt.utilities._initialize_figure()

    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
    # Axis labels
    ax1.set_xlabel(r'Time [hours]')
    ax1.set_ylabel(r'Total heat extraction rate [W/m]')

    # Plot heat extraction rates
    hours = np.arange(1, Nt+1) * dt / 3600.
    ax1.plot(hours, Q_tot / (nBoreholes * H))

    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)
    # Axis labels
    ax2.set_xlabel(r'Time [hours]')
    ax2.set_ylabel(r'Temperature [degC]')

    # Plot temperatures
    ax2.plot(hours, T_b, label='Borehole wall')
    ax2.plot(hours, T_f_in, '--',
             label='Inlet, double U-tube (parallel)')
    ax2.plot(hours, T_f_out, '-.',
             label='Outlet, double U-tube (parallel)')

    # Adjust to plot window


# Main function
if __name__ == '__main__':

Caution is needed when using monitored inlet fluid temperatures during simulations. The variation of the borehole wall temperature depends on the net heat extraction rate. This means that the error can accumulate during a simulation if, for example, the model underestimates the heat extraction rate for a given inlet fluid temperature. The can be a drift between the trends of the monitored and simulated temperatures in some cases.