MastaLomaster / bkb

Control keyboard/mouse with the eyetrackers: Tobii Eye Tracker 4C, EyeX, REX, TheEyeTribe, Gazepoint GP3. Also computer control by turning the head along with an Airmouse is supported.
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Change specific dwell time in ms #7

Open Sreypovpov opened 6 years ago

Sreypovpov commented 6 years ago

Hi MastaLomaster! I see that in your project there is FIXATION_LIMIT=30. What does it mean? Anyway, if I would like to change dwell time with specific time = 600ms, how and where can I modify your code?

Thanks you. I am waiting for your reply.

MastaLomaster commented 6 years ago

You may change the dwell time in the settings dialogue. Press the "All the settings" when starting the program. Then you may choose the dwell time separately for:



If you cannot press the "All the settings" button when the program is starting because of disability and/or decided to change the settings when the program runs, you may use the program's onscreen keyboard to start the dialogue:


Sreypovpov commented 6 years ago

Thanks you for replying. But what I am not sure is that: What does 30 ticks per second mean? So if I select "20" in Button Press Time, it means dwell time is 20/30 = 666.66ms?


MastaLomaster commented 6 years ago

That's correct. But keep in mind that the tracker speed may vary depending on driver version/lighting conditions, etc. Today you measure 30 times per second, toworrow it will show 60 times per second. The program has no means to report or somehow consider the tracker speed (ticks or measures per second).

Sreypovpov commented 6 years ago

Thanks you very much. I understand. Now I am using Tobii EyeX, processor 60Hz. It means that it captures a sample every 16.66ms (1/60Hz). So it takes 60 ticks per second.

Sreypovpov commented 6 years ago

Dear MastaLomaster, I would like how to change timing in device ticks from 30 to 60 ticks per second with fixation of Mouse only? I am using Window 10 of 64-bit, but when I set Mouse Only with button press time 30, I got dwell time until 1second. So I would like to know how to change device ticks? I am waiting for your reply. thanks you

Sreypovpov commented 6 years ago

I solved it buy deleter SetTimer in Airmouse. Thanks you.