MasterEx / myloader

a simple PHP file uploader
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vfile expiration message #11

Open MasterEx opened 14 years ago

MasterEx commented 14 years ago

When an old vfile link is used and the file is deleted then an Expired link message should be displayed!

AmmarkoV commented 14 years ago

function link_not_found() { echo "

Could not find file / File Expired ?

Your link is invalid , or maybe the file expired.. "; }

We can change this message if auto cleanup of files is enabled diaplaying a message saying that files are deleted every X hours

MasterEx commented 14 years ago

My bad. When the picture preview via vfile.php is enabled and we use an expired or fake link there is a normal page with an empty picture link in it.

i.e. try this vfile.php?i=fake.png with the preview enabled to see for yourself :)