Masterminds / squirrel

Fluent SQL generation for golang
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Inserting array value on postgresql #362

Open dennissetiawan opened 12 months ago

dennissetiawan commented 12 months ago

I want to insert array to the table , the following code does not work.

    insertMap := map[string]interface{}{
        order_column_id:                 input.OrderID,
        order_column_assigned_users:     []string{userID},

    query, args, err := sq.Insert(ORDER_TABLE).

Please help me on:

  1. make the proper query to insert array
  2. i'm quite confused on how sq.Expr work , why does it does not work as expected?


insertMap := map[string]interface{}{
        order_column_id:                 input.OrderID,
        order_column_assigned_users:     sq.Expr("ARRAY[?]", userID),

works but notice that if i use .Insert.Values(orderID , sq.Expr("ARRAY[?]",userID) ) It does not work.