MattTW / BlinkMonitorProtocol

Unofficial documentation for the Blink Wire-Free HD Home Monitoring & Alert System
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Downloader no longer working #31

Closed sutekh137 closed 3 years ago

sutekh137 commented 5 years ago

As of 5/14, videos newer than 5/14 are no longer pulling via the API call using the v2 endpoint. The last video we got downloaded (after two months of error-free downloading) was from

5/14/2019 11:41:39

exactly. No videos with a creation stamp after that have pulled since, but they are clearly there and can be downloaded via the app.

We have tried purging old videos and setting the retention time to a month instead of a year, but that did not help. I also tried searching for anything created since 1/1/1896 and scrolled through all available pages -- no new videos.

Not sure how you reverse-engineered the existing API calls, but something has changed such that the app works but API does not.

fronzbot commented 5 years ago

See this closed issue. New (or old, depending on how you look at it) endpoint is being used apparently.

Haha, just realized you commented on the open issue in my repo.

JohnMurga commented 5 years ago

Does this work ?

sutekh137 commented 5 years ago

Does this work ?

Since it is using the v1 endpoint, I assume it is working fine. I just checked my integration, and it downloaded 88 videos about 10 minutes ago.

The v2 endpoint is set up to also still check, and it has been sitting on zero results for a while. But if it kicks back on, we'll still be downloading new vids.

Thanks, sutekh137