Mattiwatti / EfiGuard

Disable PatchGuard and Driver Signature Enforcement at boot time
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.84k stars 342 forks source link

Does not have EFI/ Boot folder in it. #10

Closed fabihahashmat-sheikh closed 4 years ago

fabihahashmat-sheikh commented 4 years ago

I have downloaded from below link while following the steps stated for "Booting the loader" but could not find EFI/ Boot folder in it and so cannot proceed with the next steps to use.

Mattiwatti commented 4 years ago

What do you mean by "in it"? In the ZIP file? Because it does contain an EFI/Boot folder. Or do you mean on a USB stick or virtual disk? If so, you just need to create the folders and put the EfiGuard files there as per the README.