The new changes are made to make the the chat UI less clunky and more user friendly to use. Comes with a several fixes for networking as well and more clean code.
[Improvement] > The new UI now uses a lot of the empty space the old UI didn't utilize
[Improvement] > Chat is now not tied to the player and is always loaded in with main_node.
[Improvement] > Send_View, Send_OOC, Send_System, have all been merged into SendText()
[Fix] > Players will no longer send empty text messages.
[Fix] > Chat will no longer print a user logout message twice
[Fix] > Chat actually 100% syncs now without any inconsistencies*
[Fix] > The old system text color was unreadable.
Known issues
RPC cache issues.. like always.
I have no idea how to fix these so I'm going to ignore them for now, what matters is that it's working.
* : As long as the server doesn't hang chat should work normally, however.. because of the RPC cache error spamming chat WILL crash/hang the server or the players so expect the chat to suddenly go silent for no reason if someone keeps spamming chat or a function that creates that error.
The new changes are made to make the the chat UI less clunky and more user friendly to use. Comes with a several fixes for networking as well and more clean code.
Known issues
RPC cache issues.. like always. I have no idea how to fix these so I'm going to ignore them for now, what matters is that it's working.
* : As long as the server doesn't hang chat should work normally, however.. because of the RPC cache error spamming chat WILL crash/hang the server or the players so expect the chat to suddenly go silent for no reason if someone keeps spamming chat or a function that creates that error.