MaxenceDC / sparsestructures

A simple and configurable one-mixin mod that makes all (even datapacks and modded) structures more spread out (or more common!), essentially making them rarer/easier to find. Useful in big modpacks with a lot of structures mod to encourage exploration and make the experience more challenging or balanced.
MIT License
4 stars 4 forks source link

[SUGGESTION] Allow one to blacklist specific dimensions from being altered here #26

Open Sunconure11 opened 4 months ago

Sunconure11 commented 4 months ago

On my WIP 1.19.2 pack, I have a custom dimension that would cannot really benefit from this mod, at all.

abm991 commented 3 months ago

Hello, author, this mod and ( mod will produce a BUG, it will cause when entering the portal, stuck in the wall, is there any way to solve it

MaxenceDC commented 3 months ago

Hello, author, this mod and ( mod will produce a BUG, it will cause when entering the portal, stuck in the wall, is there any way to solve it

I'll try to look into that when I have time, in the meantime could you open a new issue about that please?

mim1q commented 3 months ago

Mine Cells creator here, I was just figuring out a way to do a workaround of the incompatibility mentioned above on my end. If the separate issue about Mine Cells gets created, I can share some technical stuff on what breaks and why, there.

But for now I can add to this issue: I can see with the current implementation that it could be problematic to just make the mod disable itself for a given dimension. But maybe instead there could be an alternative structureRegex field in the customSpreadFactors array's entries, which would be a regex instead of the plain name, and the mod would try to match that when applying the factors? So you could do e.g.:

"customSpreadFactors": [
    "structure": "minecells:overworld_portal",
    "factor": 2
    "structureRegex": "minecells:.*",
    "factor": 1

And it'd only make the minecells:overworld_portal structure rarer, while "catching" all the other ones and keeping them at their default spreads? It'd be good to differentiate the structureRegex fields from the structure ones, because a modid:structure regex would also return true for modid:structure_two which could be problematic for users who don't know regex🤔

Unless the dimension mentioned in the issue and the structures within it are from two different mods or some other shenanigans like that are going on, then this idea wouldn't be helpful at all in this case.

Sunconure11 commented 3 months ago

I have not tested to see if this bug is present on 1.19.2, but I think it might be a good idea to catch similar bugs there, too.

abm991 commented 3 months ago

@mim1q Thanks for your help

mim1q commented 3 months ago

@mim1q Thanks for your help

@abm991 I did not solve your issue here, I just proposed a potential future feature for the original poster's problem.

Somebody actually opened an issue in Mine Cells today for the same problem as you, the current fix is there.

There's no need to open an issue about the Mine Cells incompatibility here, cause it isn't really Sparse Structures' fault, and I'm already working on a proper workaround on my end. Let's not spam this issue anymore with Mine Cells stuff - if you need any more help with that, go to the issue I linked in this comment ^

RpixPro commented 3 months ago

i also want to suggest, to specify multiplier for each dimensions that override the general one but overridden by structure specific multipliers.

Sunconure11 commented 2 months ago

Has there been any news regarding this general suggestion? As in, blacklisting specific dimensions? @MaxenceDC