MaynardMiner / SWARM

Profit Switching Mining Administrator For HiveOS/Linux & Windows: HiveOS Integrated
MIT License
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powershell / bash api causes failure on miner starts #14

Closed MaynardMiner closed 5 years ago

MaynardMiner commented 5 years ago

It was notated in discord that slower drives were having issues starting miner, it was determined it was due to the fact that they read/write wasn't happening fast enough to generate the starting bash script.

The fix has been applied to beta_testing branch.

If you have issues. you can copy the launchcode.ps1 script from beta_testing branch, and apply it to current version, until it is finished.

MaynardMiner commented 5 years ago

should be fixed as of 2.0.4 release.

MaynardMiner commented 5 years ago

Users were still reporting launch issues. They had to increase the sleep time, which takes away from mining time.

I decided with last commit, I am going to try to use start-stop-daemon for launching miners. This should create artificial handles, which will remove the need to rename miners, but allow me to track their progress.

If it works out, I will add to next release. However, start-stop-daemon will become a requisite for SWARM. (HiveOS has it, though).

MaynardMiner commented 5 years ago

Proposed start-stop-daemon solution was introduced in 2.0.5 beta release for user testing. No current issues reported.

MaynardMiner commented 5 years ago
root@Worker:/hive/miners/custom/SWARM.2.0.3/bin/bminer-1# ./NVIDIA1-1 -uri equihash1445:// -api 2>&1 | tee /hive/miners/custom/SWARM.2.0.3/logs/NVIDIA1.log
[ERRO] [2019-03-08T20:50:30+07:00] Unable to locate ./NVIDIA1-1!

This is a sample of issue, for users who may have had issue. If you receive and error that refers to not being able to find "NVIDIA-[number]" or "AMD-[number]", I suggest to try updating to 2.0.5, and report if you still have issues.