MaynardMiner / SWARM

Profit Switching Mining Administrator For HiveOS/Linux & Windows: HiveOS Integrated
MIT License
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sgminer with hiveos/AMD issue - causing shutdown issues. #54

Closed sicktraderman closed 5 years ago

sicktraderman commented 5 years ago
Starting fancyix-1 Mining mtp on AMD1
Getting Process ID for sgminer                                                                                                           
Process Id is 28776                                                                                                                      
sgminer Is Running!

                         //\\  _______
                        //  \\//~//.--|
                        Y   /\\~~//_  |
                       _L  |_((_|___L_|
Waiting 20 Seconds For Miners To Load & Restarting Background Tracking

Type 'mine' in another terminal to see miner working- This is NOT a remote command!

Type 'get-screen [MinerType]' to see last 100 lines of log- This IS a remote command! >> Right Click 'Open URL In Browser'  

/hive/miners/custom/SWARM.2.0.9/ line 38:  3832 Killed                  pwsh -command "&.\swarm.ps1 $(< /hive/miners/custom/$CUS
TOM_NAME/$CUSTOM_NAME.conf)" $@                                                                                                          

custom exited, waiting to cooldown a bit

sleep: error while loading shared libraries: cannot create shared object descriptor: Cannot allocate memory                   
/usr/bin/env: ‘bash’: Cannot allocate memory    
MaynardMiner commented 5 years ago

The issue is a memory capacity issue.

What is the specs? Do you think you have enough RAM?

You can probably fix by using HiveOS's command swap-file if you have the disk space.

MaynardMiner commented 5 years ago

mtp for the record is known to use large amounts of system memory, so that is likely the issue