Mbitajeff / Building-Microservices-and-a-CI-CD-Pipeline-with-AWS

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Phase 5: Creating ECR repositories, an ECS cluster, task definitions, and AppSpec files #5

Open Mbitajeff opened 2 weeks ago

Mbitajeff commented 2 weeks ago

Task 5.1: Set up Amazon ECS cluster

Subtasks: -Create an ECS cluster using Fargate. -Define task definitions for customer and employee microservices.

Mbitajeff commented 2 weeks ago

Task 5.2: Configure Amazon ECS services

Subtasks: -Create ECS services for the microservices. -Configure load balancing and service discovery

Mbitajeff commented 2 weeks ago

Task 5.3: Push Docker images to Amazon ECR

Subtasks: -Create repositories in Amazon ECR. -Build Docker images for microservices. -Push images to ECR.