McJtyMods / RFToolsDimensions

Companion mod for RFTools which handles the dimensions
MIT License
62 stars 26 forks source link

Can't create custom Dimlet #477

Open okimazzi opened 6 months ago

okimazzi commented 6 months ago

Issue description: Can't create custom Dimlet

Steps to reproduce:

Tried many ways that I found over the web to add custom dimlets, but without sucess.

Tried to create a userdimlet.json on the config folder with the following:

[ { "type": "block", "key": "allthemodium:raw_allthemodium_block", "rarity": "rare", "create": 500, "maintain": 500, "ticks": 500, "worldgen": true, "dimlet": true }, { "type": "block", "key": "allthemodium:raw_vibranium_block", "rarity": "rare", "create": 500, "maintain": 500, "ticks": 500, "worldgen": true, "dimlet": true }, { "type": "block", "key": "allthemodium:raw_vibranium_block", "rarity": "rare", "create": 500, "maintain": 500, "ticks": 500, "worldgen": true, "dimlet": true }, { "type": "block", "key": "allthemodium:raw_unobtainium_block", "rarity": "rare", "create": 500, "maintain": 500, "ticks": 500, "worldgen": true, "dimlet": true }, { "type": "block", "key": "allthemodium:allthemodium_ore", "rarity": "rare", "create": 500, "maintain": 500, "ticks": 500, "worldgen": true, "dimlet": true }, { "type": "block", "key": "allthemodium:allthemodium_slate_ore", "rarity": "rare", "create": 500, "maintain": 500, "ticks": 500, "worldgen": true, "dimlet": true }, { "type": "block", "key": "allthemodium:other_vibranium_ore", "rarity": "rare", "create": 500, "maintain": 500, "ticks": 500, "worldgen": true, "dimlet": true }, { "type": "block", "key": "allthemodium:unobtainium_ore", "rarity": "rare", "create": 500, "maintain": 500, "ticks": 500, "worldgen": true, "dimlet": true } ]

But the workbench doesn't recognize the new dimlets and don't show it there

Tried also to create the userdimlet.json in the following path: C:\Users\USER\Desktop\rftoolsdim-1.20-11.0.5\data\rftoolsdim\dimletpackages

but yet... nothing

I'm trying to add allthemodium ores and others ores that have on the modpack to create a mega mining dimension

Any help?

EvergreenMoth8 commented 3 months ago

Necroposting kind of

I literally just had this issue and I also just solved it. I'm playing ATM7 using the Curse forge launcher/installer so if you aren't it might be different for a different Minecraft version/filepath. What I did was create the userdimlet.json file in the config file same as you image

then I went to saves(world name)\serverconfig\rftoolsdim-server.toml and went to the line where it says:

dimletPackages = ["base.json", "vanilla_blocks.json", "vanilla_tags.json", "vanilla_fluids.json", "vanilla_biomes.json", "vanilla_structures.json", "rftools.json", "appliedenergistics2.json", "biggerreactors.json", "bigreactors.json", "botania.json", "immersiveengineering.json", "mekanism.json", "powah.json", "quark.json", "tconstruct.json", "thermal.json", "biomesoplenty.json", "emendatusenigmatica.json"]

Here I put userdimlets.json SPECIFICALLY AT THE START BEFORE base.json , I tried using every other method until I said "fuck it ill try putting it at the start and hope it works if it doesn't I'm giving up." I tried naming it allthemodium.json and adding that, I tried putting it at the end of the list, nothing worked. However when I put it at the START of the list it loaded. I think this is because it recognizes "emendatusenigmatica.json" as a line to pretty much say "hey we have checked all the dimlet packages so its time to move onto other stuff"

so mine ended up saying this: image

dimletPackages = ["userdimlets.json", "base.json", "vanilla_blocks.json", "vanilla_tags.json", "vanilla_fluids.json", "vanilla_biomes.json", "vanilla_structures.json", "rftools.json", "appliedenergistics2.json", "biggerreactors.json", "bigreactors.json", "botania.json", "immersiveengineering.json", "mekanism.json", "powah.json", "quark.json", "tconstruct.json", "thermal.json", "biomesoplenty.json", "emendatusenigmatica.json"]


EvergreenMoth8 commented 2 months ago

How would one make the file in the first place? I'm trying to use NBT Studio, and it's very problematic.

the same way you make any text document: a basic text editor such as the pre installed notepad would work. just rename it from .txt to .json

thecommandman0 commented 2 months ago

This might not be the right place to ask, but how would I create something like a tag dimlet? (If it's already explained somewhere else, please link me over there.)

EvergreenMoth8 commented 2 months ago

This might not be the right place to ask, but how would I create something like a tag dimlet? (If it's already explained somewhere else, please link me over there.)

i would make a new issue/comment for it i dont even know if you can make a tag dimlet and not just custom blocks

diamondbananaman265 commented 2 weeks ago

i tried doing this but it would just crash my game when i try to load in to the world i put it in