Mecanik / cloudflare-image-resizing

CloudFlare Image Resizing plugin for WordPress.
MIT License
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Broke my site's images #18

Closed showmetech closed 1 year ago

showmetech commented 2 years ago

Hello, just wanted to alert you that this plugin broke my site's images.

I've downloaded it, installed it on Wordpress, activated it and indicated my site's address. I've also enabled image conversion on cloudflare.

But what I've got was this:

Let me know if you need any additional information, that might help fix this. Thanks.

Mecanik commented 2 years ago


Please open your developer console (CTRL+SHIT+I) and share a screenshot of the errors so I can figure out what went wrong. Maybe your images are altered somehow through a plugin.


lakesidetechs commented 2 years ago

Also having the same problem after activating plugin all the images on my site stopped loading. Enabled image conversion on cloudflare, made sure not to use worker routes /* for entire domain and entered the correct URL in the plugin settings. Images began loading again immediately after disabling the plugin. Received this error on the CloudFlare Image resizing dashboard "Origin returned 4xx HTTP status code". Will take a screenshot of the dev console and post during off hours. Thanks,

Mecanik commented 2 years ago

I need details, more specifically to see the developer console errors. Unfortunately I cannot simply guess what's happening there because there might be other plugins involved.

mdfathi99 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I fetched the issue today. In the plugin setting page where you enter the Site URL, you might add your site's URL or Instead Only a dot . inside the Site URL field and click on Save and it will work.

Mecanik commented 1 year ago

Hello, I am closing this issue since I have finally finished the Cloudflare Worker alternative. It's much more advanced and does not have this issue.

Please read my article on how to use and get the code: