MechanicalFlower / GhostSnap

:ghost: A first-person photography minigame
MIT License
13 stars 2 forks source link

can you please put easymenu in the addons folder #59

Open mclau152 opened 3 weeks ago

mclau152 commented 3 weeks ago

can you please put easymenu in the addons folder

florianvazelle commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @mclau152, sorry I don't commit external addons in my repo

I use gd-plug to manage addons, so you simply need to run:

godot --headless --script install

where godot is the godot executable, your .exe if your are on Windows.

I will update the project's README soon, to add an installation and development section, like for my others games (example: MelonCrusade)