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Chapter Image Extraction Partial Failure #190

Closed gcw07 closed 11 years ago

gcw07 commented 11 years ago

This feature works great for some of my movies and TV shows, but sometimes it seems to fail and only do part of the chapters within the movie/show. So for instance, say there are 23 chapters on a movie. Sometimes it will correctly do all 23, but others, it just does the first 2 or 3 chapter points.

Rerunning the chapter extraction doesn't seem to update it.

tikuf commented 11 years ago

This is a good indication that the seek index in the video is broken or damaged. To test try seeking past the point that the chapters fail to extract in wmp.

gcw07 commented 11 years ago

WMP won't open a mkv, so not really an option. But seeks fine in MPC-HC.

gcw07 commented 11 years ago

Is there any other method of testing?

gcw07 commented 11 years ago

OK, tried it out on my HTPC (which is the only computer I have setup to play MKV's in WMP and isn't not the server), tested out the files it errored on. No problems seeking past the points. So don't think it is that problem.

tikuf commented 11 years ago

@gcw07 Could you run the following for me. Shut down mb3 delete C:\ProgramData\MediaBrowser-Server\data\extracted-video-images folder delete C:\ProgramData\MediaBrowser-Server\data\library.db Start mb 3 up let it rebuild the library.db once that has completed shut down mb3 again Start the server and run the extract chapter images task and then post a link to the server log (if the issue isn't fixed)


LukePulverenti commented 11 years ago

@tikuf One thing you had me do is stop attempting to extract chapter images for a file as soon as one fails.

Is it possible that say, chapter 3 could fail and then the rest succeed?

tikuf commented 11 years ago

Generally not if we cant seek to chapter 3 (and seek would be the only real point of failure) then we should not be able to seek to chapter 4. If killing off the existing chapter images & db doesn't fix it I will give him a batch to try manually outside mb3.

LukePulverenti commented 11 years ago

I don't think it will because I have the same issue with some of my rips.

On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 11:54 AM, Simon wrote:

Generally not if we cant seek to chapter 3 (and seek would be the only real point of failure) then we should not be able to seek to chapter 4. If killing off the existing chapter images & db doesn't fix it I will give him a batch to try manually outside mb3.

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Luke Pulverenti

tikuf commented 11 years ago

Have you tried a manual extraction past the failure point? I wondering if a fast and slow seek my fix it? I cant repo here I am getting chapter images for everything I have looked at thus far.

LukePulverenti commented 11 years ago

No, I haven't. Try it with gcw07 and let me know what happens.

On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 12:08 PM, Simon wrote:

Have you tried a manual extraction past the failure point? I wondering if a fast and slow seek my fix it? I cant repo here I am getting chapter images for everything I have looked at thus far.

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Luke Pulverenti

gcw07 commented 11 years ago

I did see this and I will try what tikuf suggested and post the logs. Just been busy so it will have to be a little later today.

gcw07 commented 11 years ago

@tikuf is it supposed to rebuild the library.db right away? It hasn't recreated that file after 20 minutes.

tikuf commented 11 years ago

The server should start immediately rebuilding on start up. This is not happening?

gcw07 commented 11 years ago

No it wasn't. It is a permissions problem that popped up earlier with updating the server software.

I restarted the server as an administrator and it finally created the library.db file. I'll get a log on the other problem soon now.

gcw07 commented 11 years ago

OK, it still failed. Here is the log. Lots of errors reading the files it seems, yet no problems seeking on them.


tikuf commented 11 years ago

There are a lot just not as many as you may think (we pretty much get 2 errors for each item) still not good but not as bad as it looks from the logs.

Firstly we need to find out if the failed files have anything in common (video codec for example). If you could choose some of the failures and look at them in the library explorer see if you can find common ground.

If you could test the extraction manually for me with the two command lines below.

ffmpeg -ss 600 -i file:"input.mkv" -threads 0 -vframes 1 -filter:v select='eq(pict_type,I)' -vf "scale=iw*sar:ih, scale=600:-1" -f image2 -y "testimage.jpg"
ffmpeg -ss 600 -i file:"input.mkv"  -threads 0 -vframes 1 -vf "scale=iw*sar:ih, scale=600:-1" -f image2 -y "testimage.jpg"

In the code if the first c/l fails we revert to the second so if you could mimic the server in this aspect .

Open a cmd prompt in the server program data ffmpeg folder (same level as ffmpeg.exe) and test a few of your failed files incrementing the -ss 600 by 600 seconds each run (eg -ss 600 -ss 1200 -ss 1800 etc etc) until you are past the fail point. The "testimage.jpg" will be overwritten each time so check the image in between runs. Make sure you use the full path to the files you test when replacing "input.mkv"

If you see an ffmpeg failure can you tell me exactly what it says (or scr shot will suffice).


gcw07 commented 11 years ago

I don't see anything as far as codec that is different from ones that work. Basically they are h264 videos. I have others of the same codec that extracted fine and then those that didn't. All the failures do look like h264 videos though. I haven't come across one that is anything else yet. I'll work on the manual extraction and report back.

gcw07 commented 11 years ago

Getting the message "Output file is empty, nothing was encoded (check -ss / -t /frames parameters if used)". Even if I reduce the seconds down it still says that.

gcw07 commented 11 years ago

OK, tried reducing it to 0 and then jumping up by 60 seconds instead. 0 created a blank image like it should. 60 created an image, but also had some errors:

[h264 @ 03ff4400] reference picture missing during reorder [h264 @ 03ff4400] Missing reference picture, default is 65556 [h264 @ 03ff4400] reference picture missing during reorder [h264 @ 03ff4400] Missing reference picture, default is 65556 [h264 @ 03ff4400] reference picture missing during reorder [h264 @ 03ff4400] Missing reference picture, default is 65556 [h264 @ 03ff4400] reference picture missing during reorder [h264 @ 03ff4400] Missing reference picture, default is 65556 frame= 1 fps=0.0 q=0.0 Lsize=N/A time=00:00:00.04 bitrate=N/A dup=0 drop=8 video:21kB audio:0kB subtitle:0 global headers:0kB muxing overhead -100.101875%

ebr11 commented 11 years ago

gc - be sure the user under which MB server runs has full control of your mediabrowser-server folder. That should eliminate the need to run it as admin.

tikuf commented 11 years ago

Ok on that same file try running

ffmpeg.exe -i file:"input.mkv" -c copy "input-new.mkv"

exchanging the input.mkv for the path&filename to the file use same path for output (input-new.mkv) . Then move your original file somewhere outside mb3 and rename input-new.mkv to what ever the old input was (in other words swap out the file).

Run a refresh then run extract the chapter images. I am 99% sure it is a damaged index this doesn't always show up during playback as players are more tolerant than encoders.

I broke a heap of indexes today for testing and I was seeing exactly what you are seeing.

gcw07 commented 11 years ago

That did not copy the entire file. It only copied the first 2 minutes of a 52 minute long video.

gcw07 commented 11 years ago

@ebr11 it does appear the user has the permissions set, but shouldn't the installer/updater reset those permissions just in case any are wrong? And no idea if an updater can even reset permissions like that.

ebr11 commented 11 years ago

The installer does attempt to set the permissions but, apparently, it doesn't always work.

tikuf commented 11 years ago

"It only copied the first 2 minutes of a 52 minute long video." Ok that tells me that the file is broken (for ffmpeg anyhow) Basically means it needs a full re-encode (or attempt at one to try and fix its issues).

If you throw me a link to a text file containing the library explorer data I will write one for you to run.

gcw07 commented 11 years ago

Different file from the 52 minute video, but same problem.

Re-encoding 30 to 40 files is probably not in the cards. But good to know what is is.

LukePulverenti commented 11 years ago

@tikuf, this happens to me on some blurays ripped by me personally using MakeMkv. Are you saying there's nothing we can do?

tikuf commented 11 years ago

It usually happens when the time stamps skip backwards or something similar. If you try to skip to one of the chapters that doesn't have an image chances are it wont play (if you transcode from the start it will work as long as the file isn't superbad). For the most part

ffmpeg.exe -i file:"input.mkv" -c copy "input-new.mkv"

fixed mine (but i broke them on purpose so ymmv). A slow seek may work too (I dont know). Because we are not logging the actual ffmpeg stderr I dont know what is happening to those files (but if we did that we would have 40 trillian ffmpeg txt files) Can you please try the -c copy c/l on one of your failing files and see if it fixes it?

gcw07 commented 11 years ago

@LukePulverenti that is what I also use to rip my files and all the "bad" ones appear to be blu-ray rips from MakeMKV. Re-ripping the bad movies wouldn't be that horrible for me, but re-ripping the TV series is the time consumer as most of the broken ones are entire seasons of episodes.

tikuf commented 11 years ago

You don't need to re rip. Just re-encode (hopefully) now i know that you both are using the same program I should be able to repo. Tell me are the ones you are having issue with 1:1 rips?

LukePulverenti commented 11 years ago

I don't want to re-encode. I'd rather just find a new ripping program if that's the case. My process is generally that I choose the highest quality audio track, usually omitting the core track, and then forced english subs only. For foreign language content I take the whole english subtitle track.

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 12:23 PM, Simon wrote:

You don't need to re rip. Just re-encode (hopefully) now i know that you both are using the same program I should be able to repo. Tell me are the ones you are having issue with 1:1 rips?

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Luke Pulverenti

gcw07 commented 11 years ago

I'm not sure what 1:1 rips are. I usually just go in, select the highest quality audio track and sub track (eg. DTS-HD and DTS; or DD-MA and DD), remove all subtitles and go.

gcw07 commented 11 years ago

OK, so I re-ripped The Hobbit as that was one of my files that was broken. While it now gets a little further along (10 minutes in instead of the 5 it was failing at), it still doesn't work. Not sure what to do, but don't think re-ripping will fix it.

tikuf commented 11 years ago

It is the was makemkv does it it just joins the files together and the time stamps are all over the shop

tikuf commented 11 years ago

Gcw this command line should fix your makemkv files so they are not broken for ffmpeg

ffmpeg -fflags igndts -i file:"Input.mkv" -threads 0 -c copy "output.mkv"

Same instructions as above just a slightly diff c/l it will take about 8-10 mins per full bd . Hopefully it works for you i created a few files with makemkv today and it fixed all of them. It may desync the audio so dont blanket run it yet. if it produces thumbnails I will play with the sync.

gcw07 commented 11 years ago

Just tried it. It only created about a 4 minute long video (from a 3 hour movie). Basically I think it stops at the same point the thumbnail stops working.

tikuf commented 11 years ago

Are you trying it on the same video each time? If so please try a different one (that has the same issue with thumbs) that one appears hosed.

tikuf commented 11 years ago

You could also try

ffmpeg -fflags ignidx -i file:"Input.mkv" -threads 0 -c copy "output.mkv"

which should ignore all indexes

gcw07 commented 11 years ago

Tried it on a different file. It stopped early too (2 minute mark of a 52 minute file). Tried the other command and it did the same. Just ends early.

tikuf commented 11 years ago

Ok these are tv files they may be a lost cause it looks like makemkv just slices them up without any thought to the consequences (I could be wrong). Please try on a movie that you have the same issue with.

How big are your tv files? I wouldn't mind looking at one to see if i can sort it (these question may be asked by other people) I would like to have a better idea of what is going on. (if you have a short one that would be great).

gcw07 commented 11 years ago

I've tried it on movie files and tv files. Does the same exact thing for both. At the point the thumbnails stop producing, the copy stops. I've even tried re-ripping a movie and trying it on that. It fails too.

The smallest one I have is 4.5 GB. Not sure how I could transfer something that large to have you check out and test.

ebr11 commented 11 years ago

it will take about 8-10 mins per full bd

Holy crap. That's 83 hours for 500 movies. Doesn't sound like a process we want to undertake...

LukePulverenti commented 11 years ago

TIkuf, are you saying this is flat out not possible to do on MakeMKV rips? It's ok if the answer is yes I just want to get an accurate picture.

FWIW, I believe it works perfectly on rips that are sourced from a single m2ts.

On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 9:31 AM, Eric Reed wrote:

it will take about 8-10 mins per full bd

Holy crap. That's 83 hours for 500 movies. Doesn't sound like a process we want to undertake...

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Luke Pulverenti

tikuf commented 11 years ago

Well never say never but it looks like it the way the mkemkv cuts and splices the video (older versions of makemkv at anyrate). I have 1.81 that i d/l today and am running in trial created video that was not seekable and the first command I posted fixed the files so it was seekable by ffmpeg. I did notice in their change log for this version "Improved compatibility of produced MKV files". I will try to get an older version and see what happens. In the meantime it is worth trying the first c/l on one of your movies ( I don't think we can properly decode a tv rip). Unless there is a way for ffmpeg to seek using pts rather than dts (there has been some patches submitted but no commit)

@ Eric yes it is a considerable time it could be staged but offering a user a possible solution may be nice

MrLinford commented 11 years ago

Is only MKV that has the issue gents?

I know myself and others that would find captures and seeking really useful. I'll do some digging when I start testing later/weekend.


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-----Original Message----- From: Simon Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2013 07:05:13 To: MediaBrowser/ Reply-To: MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser Subject: Re: [MediaBrowser] Chapter Image Extraction Partial Failure (#190)

Well never say never but it looks like it the way the mkemkv cuts and splices the video (older versions of makemkv at anyrate). I have 1.81 that i d/l today and am running in trial created video that was not seekable and the first command I posted fixed the files so it was seekable by ffmpeg. I did notice in their change log for this version "Improved compatibility of produced MKV files". I will try to get an older version and see what happens. In the meantime it is worth trying the first c/l on one of your movies ( I don't think we can properly decode a tv rip).

@ Eric yes it is a considerable time it could be staged but offering a user a possible solution may be nice

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LukePulverenti commented 11 years ago

I don't think it has anything to do with the container. It's the format of the video stream contained within.

On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 10:10 AM, Craig linford notifications@github.comwrote:

Is only MKV that has the issue gents?

I know myself and others that would find captures and seeking really useful. I'll do some digging when I start testing later/weekend.


Sent using the force!

-----Original Message----- From: Simon Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2013 07:05:13 To: MediaBrowser/ Reply-To: MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser Subject: Re: [MediaBrowser] Chapter Image Extraction Partial Failure (#190)

Well never say never but it looks like it the way the mkemkv cuts and splices the video (older versions of makemkv at anyrate). I have 1.81 that i d/l today and am running in trial created video that was not seekable and the first command I posted fixed the files so it was seekable by ffmpeg. I did notice in their change log for this version "Improved compatibility of produced MKV files". I will try to get an older version and see what happens. In the meantime it is worth trying the first c/l on one of your movies ( I don't think we can properly decode a tv rip).

@ Eric yes it is a considerable time it could be staged but offering a user a possible solution may be nice

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Luke Pulverenti

tikuf commented 11 years ago

Correct Luke but more the way its put together.

gcw07 commented 11 years ago

@tikuf I am using 1.81 and tried re-ripping a movie and trying the command on it and it still stopped at a few minutes into the file. Just sounds like MakeMKV and this feature aren't going to be too compatible. Lot of work trying to figure this out when %40 of them are blacked out images anyways. Thanks for looking into it and trying.

ebr11 commented 11 years ago

Perhaps we can talk to the MakeMKV guys and get them to fix it...

LukePulverenti commented 11 years ago

Tikuf can you report the issue to them? On Apr 26, 2013 11:52 AM, "Eric Reed" wrote:

Perhaps we can talk to the MakeMKV guys and get them to fix it...

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