Open Konnos998 opened 1 day ago
Also -train_vis 1 (to visualize the training) doesn't work for some reason...What I can see is (which I see it anyway with the default command) is the validation and epoch proccesses. I don't know what more is shown with the -train_vis set to 1, but I can't see it.
Hello there,
I try to get familiar with the model and I wanted to know, if for example you do:
python -net sam2 -exp_name REFUGE_MedSAM2 -vis 1 -sam_ckpt ./checkpoints/ -sam_config sam2_hiera_s -image_size 1024 -out_size 1024 -b 4 -val_freq 1 -dataset REFUGE -data_path ./data/REFUGE
the logical thing is to put -sam_ckpt -> and -sam_config -> sam2_hiera_s (which I think is the .yaml file from sam2_train folder). Also in this folder I donwloaded 2 more files from sam2 model (sam2_hiera_l.yaml and sam2_hiera_base_plus.yaml) because they were missing...I don't know if this is correct. Now, my question is, if you do:
python -net sam2 -exp_name REFUGE_MedSAM2 -vis 1 -sam_ckpt ./checkpoints/MedSAM2_pretrain.pth -sam_config ??????????? -image_size 1024 -out_size 1024 -b 4 -val_freq 1 -dataset REFUGE -data_path ./data/REFUGE
what do you put in place of the question marks? Nothing, or one of the existing .yaml files in the sam2_train folder?