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Quick Search on Profile Attributes #110

Closed Julien-Dubois-eXo closed 2 months ago

Julien-Dubois-eXo commented 5 months ago


Make the profile more useful and allow a quicker search experience based on contact information.

1. Functional requirements

Profile user quick search

On the user profile, we can do a quick search by clicking on the value of the contact information except for:

A drawer with the integration of the people page component in mobile

People page improvements


2. NonFunctional Requirements

Expected volume & Performance requirements

Security requirements (Authentication, Authorizations, Audit track / traceability, data retention…) No additional requirements, this will integrate an existing application and inherit its security requirements

Extensibility requirements (Identified extension points, plugables implementations...)

Configurability requirements (properties introduced, default settings, jobs, etc...)

No specific configuration is required

Requirements related to existing users data

Application will use existing user data and won't alter it

Requirements related to existing features (ex: Add a button to existing modules...)

In the quick search feature, we will :

Feature Flag (property name, default status, target audience, functional behaviour)

No feature flag will be added

Other NFR (ex: Use of VueX, Vue, Vuetify)


3. Impacts

Documentation to update? Training level / Change management needs

4. Software Architecture


security will be inherited from existing application

Access (GUI, API…)

Access will be inherited

Rest API design (Entry points, domain objects)

Services & processing

Ex: Scheduled Jobs

Data and persistence

Macro data model N/A

Persistence layer (RDBMS, elasticsearch...)


5. Annexes

Reasoning that explain the technical choices Impacts (ex: impact on public REST/Java API) References (links...)

rdenarie commented 5 months ago

@srenault-meeds can you check for go-fonc ? Thanks

Julien-Dubois-eXo commented 5 months ago

@srenault-meeds I need to do some modifications before go-fonc.

Julien-Dubois-eXo commented 5 months ago

@srenault-meeds could you check for go-fonc, please? @ahamdi could you complete the tech part, please?

srenault-meeds commented 5 months ago

Thanks @Julien-Dubois-eXo Can you detail more the rationale please? Indeed, we don't the problem you are trying to solve.

On the user profile, we can do a quick search by clicking on the value of the contact information.

Any attribute or only few of them?

Filter by name: only filter by name should remain Advanced filter should be deactivated Quick filter should be deactivated

Not "should" but "must" IMO

Expand drawer: we display the people list component on the full page.

Do you mean that the people page with card is displayed when expanding the view?

Julien-Dubois-eXo commented 5 months ago

MIP edited to answer the questions.

Do you mean that the people page with card is displayed when expanding the view? Yes.

srenault-meeds commented 5 months ago

Ok thanks.

can you please add screenshots for better understanding?

srenault-meeds commented 5 months ago

Hello, I can see this has begun. No problem for me. However, I have heard that the design needed to be reviewed to match your expectations. Thus, can you please attach a screenshot to confirm the final view of the quick search drawer? Thanks

Julien-Dubois-eXo commented 5 months ago

@srenault-meeds I have edited the design and add a screenshot. Maybe the alignments are not perfect. I'm not sure about the +4 but we could discuss it.

margondicco commented 5 months ago

@rdenarie @boubaker tech review needed.

boubaker commented 5 months ago

@rdenarie @boubaker tech review needed.

A go func is needed first IMO. @srenault-meeds

srenault-meeds commented 5 months ago

I have edited the design and add a screenshot.

Here is my proposition to avoid losing space at the top of the drawer People drawer when quick searching

Please, confirm it

I'm not sure about the +4 but we could discuss it.

It is ok for me but it misses a second level drawer which is a list of combinations in a drawer with a arrow-left to go back to main drawer No blocker for me

Julien-Dubois-eXo commented 5 months ago

@srenault-meeds I'm not a big fan. It's unclear to me that you could click a second time to display the filter by name.

We could just remove the sentence "Try these others combination" to directly display the "filter by name" field.

If we put these filters here does it mean it should be in the application top bar component?

You are right about the drawer, it's just my Adobe xd skill that blocks me from being fast in making it. I will try to make it but not sure to success.

srenault-meeds commented 5 months ago

like that? people quick search

srenault-meeds commented 5 months ago

Ok Go-Func

Precision discussed: If no combinations, then no text before filter icon If combination, then text to introduce these combinations Ok in the description

boubaker commented 5 months ago

Go-tech added

Julien-Dubois-eXo commented 5 months ago

@srenault-meeds @boubaker I confirm you we will implement:

`Complementary filters: based on the information included in the profiles of the people of the results and the profile complementary filters are automatically proposed

Rule: if one of the users of the results has a value of its contact information that matches one of the visited profiles then it's proposed if no match no complementary filters displayed`

@ahamdi will provide a technical specification in the days coming.

ahamdi commented 5 months ago

@boubaker @rdenarie I've added three sections in the specification about how we will generate the complementary filters, they are annotated with Added section X and End Added section X Thank you

rdenarie commented 4 months ago

@boubaker can you confirm the go tech after @ahamdi technical additions

boubaker commented 4 months ago

@boubaker can you confirm the go tech after @ahamdi technical additions

Yes, it was already added 3 weeks ago. No change about it and I 've no objections with modifications made.

ahamdi commented 4 months ago

@boubaker can you confirm the go tech after @ahamdi technical additions

Yes, it was already added 3 weeks ago. No change about it and I 've no objections with modifications made.

thanks @boubaker

ahamdi commented 3 months ago

PRs ready and acceptance is up with latest changes ready to review by Meeds DAO members @boubaker

margondicco commented 3 months ago

@Julien-Dubois-eXo please, could you push a functional information for @srenault-meeds ? thank you

boubaker commented 3 months ago

PRs ready and acceptance is up with latest changes ready to review by Meeds DAO members @boubaker

Thanks, can you please link PRs

srenault-meeds commented 3 months ago

Yes we need some information so we post a new product update to inform our users and customers (they are on CI/CD)

srenault-meeds commented 3 months ago


FYI no delivery for now until we have the functional information. Thanks

srenault-meeds commented 3 months ago


I have some feedbacks regarding the feature.

  1. Click to a field, then it opens the drawer -> no functional.

    Indeed, I have clicked to a position and in the list I have profiles with other positions listed

  2. Bad horizontal alignement for (+xx)

  3. Bad vertical alignement for other combination

  4. UI glitch for label "try with other combinations"

  5. No FR labels for header and try with other combination

  6. When using multiple additional filters, it sometimes display a placeholder with no way to cancel. And then the filters is not ok, I need to reload the page

  7. I can't click to position label from the drawer while hand cursor is suggested.

  8. We miss the behaviour when clicking to a user (was ok in people mobile view)

    Same for mobile view or in quick search drawer


srenault-meeds commented 3 months ago

@Julien-Dubois-eXo to help you decide, here are the blocker items to accept MIP delivery:

  1. Click to a field, then it opens the drawer -> no functional. Indeed, I have clicked to a position and in the list I have profiles with other positions listed

  2. When using multiple additional filters, it sometimes display a placeholder with no way to cancel. And then the filters is not ok, I need to reload the page

Of course, other items can be fixed once it is delivered

ahamdi commented 2 months ago

@srenault-meeds Mips acceptance was redeployed with latest fixes. Ready to review

srenault-meeds commented 2 months ago

Ok for me. No blocker for me and as discussed, remaining feedbacks will be managed later by your team.

I'll report issues to be managed as discussed. Remaining feedbacks are:

Click to a field, then it opens the drawer -> no functional. Indeed, I have clicked to a position and in the list I don't have expected profile. it seems indexation of position is not ok (users have been imported with a .csv file) people search

Bad vertical alignement for other combination

When using multiple additional filters, it display a placeholder OK but when clicking to reset, it doesn't list the default search

cc @margondicco FYI

margondicco commented 2 months ago

@Julien-Dubois-eXo please could you capture these feedbacks ? Thank you

boubaker commented 2 months ago

Ok for me. No blocker for me and as discussed, remaining feedbacks will be managed later by your team.

For my part, no objection to merge MIPs (no need to review PRs to merge BTW)