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LinkedIn Connector #141

Open plamarque opened 3 weeks ago

plamarque commented 3 weeks ago


LinkedIn is a major platform for all work organizations to meet workers. Many Web3 projects and Web2 brands and companies use it to reach an audience and promote their organization, products, or services. Meeds can help design fair and equitable incentives for contributors who support their organizations on LinkedIn.

1. Functional Requirements


Program Owner






Work For

Hub Administrator

Image Image


Event Name Description Contribution Owner Cancel Event
Like Like or any reaction to a given post user who reacted Unlike
Comment Comment a given post user who commented Comment is removed
Repost Respoted a given post user who reposted Repost is removed
Mention @ mention a given account user who mentioned Mention is removed
Follow Company Follow a company page user who followed Unfollow
Work for... User declares experience as working for a given company user who added the experience experience removed






Unified Search

2. Technical Requirements

Expected Volume & Performance


The oAuth tokens SHOULD NOT be stored in the Meeds database; they should only be used to validate user accounts on external providers.

LinkedIn's API key (secret) to transmit triggered events into the Meeds server MUST be generated by the hub administrator using a specific UI in the Gamification administration UI inside LinkedIn connector settings. This Meeds API Key has to be encrypted using CodecInitializer before being stored in the database.

The Hub administrator MUST provide LinkedIn oAuth Client and Secret keys in a dedicated UI. Those oAuth Keys must be encrypted using CodecInitializer before being stored in the database. These keys will be used to validate the oAuth token provided by the user from the Meeds Server to the LinkedIn Server.




Existing Features

Feature Flags

Property Name Default Value Target Audience Functional Behaviour

Other Non-Functional Requirements

3. Impacts



4. Software Architecture



Services & processing

Data and persistence



The connector will use Community Management APIs

Migration strategy

5. Annexes

plamarque commented 2 weeks ago

@srenault-meeds @margondicco please check for functional requirements. It's similar to Twitter connector.

srenault-meeds commented 2 weeks ago



As a Hub administrator, I can setup the LinkedIn administrator with the oAuth credentials of my organization

As a program owner, I can specify the minimum number of connections a contributor's LinkedIn account should have to earn with the LinkedIn actions

plamarque commented 2 weeks ago

Do you mean "setup the LinkedIn account"?

I meant the connector. fixed.

Do we only capture the connections number or also the followers?

connections only (followers does not seem available in the APIs so far)

plamarque commented 2 weeks ago

@srenault-meeds @margondicco mockups added

srenault-meeds commented 2 weeks ago

Ok for me. Please make sure the linkedin icon color below is the official blue of LinkedIn: #2867b2 image

plamarque commented 1 week ago

Ok for me. Please make sure the linkedin icon color below is the official blue of LinkedIn: #2867b2 image


srenault-meeds commented 1 week ago

Ok for me. I let @margondicco check it as well