Meefy777 / Reforged

Modified Forge 1.0.6 for Minecraft Beta 1.7.3
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Reforged Compatibility Issue with ID Resolver #2

Open VivianTheFox opened 3 years ago

VivianTheFox commented 3 years ago

In the Reforged class, under the hasIDResolver method, it specifically looks to see if there is a mod loaded that is exactly mod_IDResolver to check whether or not it's loaded. The issue is that variant of ID Resolver, such as Update 3, are internally registered as mod_IDResolver 1.7.3 - Update 3. Which, because that string doesn't match the one Reforged is programmed to look for, even though ID Resolver is detected correctly, it's not loaded in.

The fix for this is simple, the the statement just needs to be changed from foundIDResolver = ModLoader.isModLoaded("mod_IDResolver");, to foundIDResolver = ModLoader.isModLoaded.contains("mod_IDResolver");, or something akin to that, as I haven't properly gotten out the workspace myself to test it to make sure that exact formatting works.

Meefy777 commented 3 years ago

I'll note this down for the next update. Although we will likely be removing Reforge's integration with IDResolver and release a patch for compatibility due to the fact that the current system does not, and cannot work as intended.

VivianTheFox commented 3 years ago

Why can't it work? As far as I'm aware the only single issue with compatibility is that the check for Reforged being there or not is wrong. All the rest of the code seems to be correct.

Meefy777 commented 3 years ago

I had an issue in the AetherMP modpack where IDResolver wouldn't work. In the end it turned out to be how stuff was initialized. The code to fix ids was only ran once mod was fully loaded, but at that point game would already crash due to a ID conflict. That's why I released a Reforged-IDResolver patch on the discord server.