MehVahdJukaar / JustEnoughEffectDescriptions

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Compile for Forge 41.0.94+ & Stylish Effects mod compat #17

Closed Fuzss closed 1 year ago

Fuzss commented 1 year ago

Hey hey, so finally I was able to take the time to implement a proper api to my Stylish Effects mod. I've quickly implemented it for your mod here, all three things we discussed originally are there:

Also to get the mod working on Forge 41.0.94 I made the necessary changes. I compiled the project using Forge 41.0.98 since I get a crash whenever level data is saved (unrelated to your mod) with Forge 41.0.110 (the most recent version currently), not sure when that was introduced.

MehVahdJukaar commented 1 year ago

Thanks! Sorry if I didn't write earlier but aparently I missed this