I have a setup of 66 vms where i want to measure latency between each vm by pairing them in n(n-1)/2 pairs. Now i am using currently 8 ports on the server and at a time 65 clients will connect to any of the 8 ports. This has been working well for a 19 VM Sockperf mesh Test setup but when i scale it up higher number i start to see Cpu and Memory bandwidth issues. I have a 8vcore 64 gib. Has anybody done this before or is sockperf capable of this scale? Any help would be much appreciated
Here is the ansible code to deploy the setup
- name: Install sockperf server systemd
become: true
shell: |
server_vm_ip=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}')
# Define the port file path
# Remove the port file if it exists
[ -f "$port_file" ] && rm "$port_file"
# Generate the port file content
for port in {12345..12352}; do
echo "T:${server_vm_ip}:${port}" >> /etc/default/networktestsv1/ansible/hosts/sockperf_server_ports.txt
# Define the server command
server_cmd="sockperf sr -f ${port_file} --threads-num 24"
# Run the configure server service script
bash /etc/default/networktestsv1/ansible/Scripts/configure_server_service.sh "${server_cmd}" "sockperf"
register: configure_results
ignore_errors: false
name: Configure Sockperf Client on VMs
hosts: localhost
Step 1: Check the structure of the hosts
name: Debug group 'all' to ensure hosts are populated
var: groups['all']
Step 2: Generate pairs of VMs and validate the output
chmod +x /etc/default/networktestsv1/ansible/Scripts/configure_client_service.sh
sh /etc/default/networktestsv1/ansible/Scripts/configure_client_service.sh "$server_cmd" "$test_tag"
loop: "{{ vm_pairs }}"
index_var: index
when: item.0 is defined and item.1 is defined
register: script_output
I have a setup of 66 vms where i want to measure latency between each vm by pairing them in n(n-1)/2 pairs. Now i am using currently 8 ports on the server and at a time 65 clients will connect to any of the 8 ports. This has been working well for a 19 VM Sockperf mesh Test setup but when i scale it up higher number i start to see Cpu and Memory bandwidth issues. I have a 8vcore 64 gib. Has anybody done this before or is sockperf capable of this scale? Any help would be much appreciated
Here is the ansible code to deploy the setup
name: Configure Sockperf Client on VMs hosts: localhost tasks:
Step 1: Check the structure of the hosts
Step 2: Generate pairs of VMs and validate the output
name: Generate pairs of VMs set_fact: vm_pairs: "{{ groups['all'] | combinations(2) }}"
name: Debug VM pairs debug: var: vm_pairs
Step 3: Test pairing logic before applying delegate_to
name: Configure sockperf Client systemd hosts: localhost become: true
name: Install sockperf Client systemd
Step 4: Check if both item.0 and item.1 are defined
delegate_to: "{{ item.0 }}" shell: | fqdn=$(getent hosts "{{ item.1 }}" | awk '{print $2}') hostname=${fqdn%%.*} server_ip=$(getent ahosts "$fqdn" | awk '/^[^ ]/{print $1; exit}')
port=$((12345 + ({{ index }} % 8))) echo $port
server_cmd="sockperf ping-pong -i $server_ip -m 14 -t 120 --tcp -p ${port} --full-rtt" test_tag=$hostname
echo $server_cmd
chmod +x /etc/default/networktestsv1/ansible/Scripts/configure_client_service.sh sh /etc/default/networktestsv1/ansible/Scripts/configure_client_service.sh "$server_cmd" "$test_tag" loop: "{{ vm_pairs }}" loop_control: index_var: index when: item.0 is defined and item.1 is defined register: script_output