Mellow-Programming-Language / Mellow

The Mellow Programming Language
MIT License
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The Mellow Programming Language

Build Status

Mellow is an imperative language that draws influence from D, Go, and functional languages, among others. This implementation exclusively targets x86-64 Linux.


The build process assumes that recent versions of the D Language compiler dmd, gcc, g++, git, and the Netwide Assembler nasm are installed.

To build the compiler, run make in the toplevel project directory. With the proper dependencies installed, and an internet connection, a simple make should build the full compiler. Note that the make process will attempt to git clone a secondary repository (the parser generator project at, which is necessary to build the compiler.

To enable the green threads runtime, make compiler_multithread to build a version of the compiler with those features enabled.


./compiler --help will provide a summary of options.


The programs under examples/ demonstrate the syntax and semantics of the Mellow language.

List of working features:

List of unimplemented or broken (but planned) features: