The current process of backup wallet does not verify if the user has actually backup the seed phrase on paper or not.
In current process, the backup wallet screen after creating new wallet shows the option to copy the "seed phrase" and "wallet birthay" to operating system clipboard. After user confirms the wallet backup is taken, it takes user straight to Home screen.
We need to modify this process a little.
Add "Verify Backup" screen before proceeding to Home screen:
On this screen the user must be shown all 24 input boxes to input seed phrase words. Either show them all on single screen or divide and show on multiple screens as the UI/UX process allows best to do it.
Only after user input all 24 seed phrase correctly proceed to Home screen.
A friendly UX can be added on top of each input field where the seed phrase position is shown to enter the seed word at that position, and if the user enters the right seed word in right position's input field, a ✅ is shown, and if wrong ❌ is shown.
This will allow user to identify while typing if they typed the correct seed word at correct position while verifying seed phrase backup.
IMPORTANT: The important part in seed phrase backup process is to "Disable Screen Capture" feature of the OS. If the wallet screen is in the process of Backup Wallet, specially on screen where it shows the wallet seed phrase, "Disable Screen Capture" feature.
The current process of backup wallet does not verify if the user has actually backup the seed phrase on paper or not.
In current process, the backup wallet screen after creating new wallet shows the option to copy the "seed phrase" and "wallet birthay" to operating system clipboard. After user confirms the wallet backup is taken, it takes user straight to Home screen.
We need to modify this process a little.
Add "Verify Backup" screen before proceeding to Home screen:
A friendly UX can be added on top of each input field where the seed phrase position is shown to enter the seed word at that position, and if the user enters the right seed word in right position's input field, a ✅ is shown, and if wrong ❌ is shown. This will allow user to identify while typing if they typed the correct seed word at correct position while verifying seed phrase backup.
IMPORTANT: The important part in seed phrase backup process is to "Disable Screen Capture" feature of the OS. If the wallet screen is in the process of Backup Wallet, specially on screen where it shows the wallet seed phrase, "Disable Screen Capture" feature.